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Everything posted by aviaamator

  1. Mikko! I am happy to welcome You to this wonderful Forum! Welcome!!! I live in Karelia.
  2. The boat is already ready for installation on the ship... Matti! Thank you very much for your kind words! This is very important to me!
  3. It took a long time to recover, but I was not idle! As I found out, Mr. Boudriot used for the schooner "Hyacinth" the boat from the ship "Salamander"... What to do next? The sketches of both boats are completely identical!
  4. Mark! You are right, it is better to delete the photo! It grew in me...
  5. I apologize to the moderators, but I will ask a question in Russian: как долго сможет сидеть матрос на этой банке в этой шлюпке? Even the American understood... I ask a serious question, I had to work the oars for a long time, sometimes calluses appeared on the ***!
  6. Here's a question: how long will be able to sit the sailor at the oars in the boat with this form of the surface?
  7. A lot of mysteries left behind Mr. Bodri, it this is not to ask, unfortunately... On these sketches I see two different designs of steps. Am I wrong?
  8. Thank you all!!! Yes, the work will continue, but until the ice melted on the lake-we fly!
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