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About skipper1947

  • Birthday 09/07/1947

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    Washington, USA

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  1. Anybody got a good luck at the new Corel kit Boeier (carried by Model Expo). It is hard to tell the material quality from the pictures there, as it is mostly covered in paint.
  2. I have been seriously thinking of ordering this kit, but the problems discussed here have given me pause. Not sure if I have enough patience any more (just thinking out loud). 😁
  3. Guess I am a bit late to post here, but just wanted to mention I have visited their site several times over the years (including today), and they always say the kit is "sold out"?
  4. Is this still a project, or has it been abandoned?
  5. Thanks for the replies guys. Chuck, I am afraid your Winchelsea looks a little above my pay grade. I guess when I said higher end, I was thinking along the lines of high quality components ready to be finished and installed. My tool set amounts to little more than a couple files and some xacto blades, which is in keeping with my manual dexterity. As for what I would be looking for, perhaps a yacht from the early 1900s such as the Bluebird of Chelsea, and since I am fantasizing; with high end wood and fittings. I don't see myself tying any more ratlines any time soon.
  6. I am kind of having that old itch to build a ship model kit. But it seems all the ones I look at, I have looked at a dozen times in the past and none get me excited. Does anybody know of any newly released kits? Preferably higher end. Sorry if this has been discussed, I tried a search for "new kits" but didn't turn up anything.
  7. Cool! I had never heard of them before. On their site now. Thanks.
  8. Their web site is ec.en.ship-model.net but all their models say they are sold out. It has said this for the past while. Not sure what that means. Maybe they just don't ship outside of Japan?
  9. Thanks guys. I will check out the Corel kit. I am afraid my modelling skills do not extend to scratch building.
  10. I seem to remember spotting a kit of the 1814 Saratoga (Lake Champlain), but can't find it now. Does anybody of any kits available of this ship? Or any ship that took part in the Battle of Lake Champlain (aka Battle of Plattsburgh)? Thanks. 😎
  11. Glad to see Caldercraft doing so well in the poll, as I have one arriving today (Clyde Puffer). 🤓
  12. Has anybody had experience with the Krick Serius Shrimp Cutter? I realize it is intended for RC, with an ABS hull, but the deck furniture and fittings look to be top rate woods and metal, with a very attractive net, etc. I was thinking it might make a nice display model, but have not been able to find any build logs or reviews on-line. Thanks for any info. 🙂
  13. Just curious if anybody here is familiar with these plank on frame kits from Japan? I think their name is Okumoto, though I am not sure. Their web site is https://ec.ship-model.net/ I would be curious if anybody has experience with them (or even knows how to purchase them). Thanks Skip
  14. I hope these pictures are close up enough, I just have an iPad as a camera.
  15. Just FYI, the corsaro II called for using the smallest diameter wire for the hand rails (among other things). I found it pretty easy to work with (probably easier than the larger diameter). To secure it, I re-purposed some small brass sleeves from a previous model build, fed the end of the wire through them, then crimped them with needle nosed pliers. I added a drop of zap-a-gap for good measure, then clipped the excess off as close as I could with wire cutters. They seem pretty secure. I will likely look into this jewelers wire for the larger diameters (my wife is familiar with the topic). One advantage I can see with this instead of thread (assuming you can solve the other aspects of it's use), is that if used as a slack line, it would lie in a more natural curve than lose tied string. (hope that thought makes sense).
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