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Jolley Roger

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Posts posted by Jolley Roger

  1. For what it's worth I got a big roll of model span last year from CornwallModelBoats.


    Steven, if you're interested in furled sails, I shared my techniques that I used on my Badger in a separate thread:




    Hi Mike,


    Can you recall under what product name CMB was selling the model span?


    I've been unable to find it on their site.

  2. Anybody using Chinaberry, species Melia azedarach https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Melia_azedarach, in ship modelling?


    Commonly known by many names, including white cedarchinaberry treebead-tree, Cape lilacsyringa berrytreePersian lilac, and Indian lilac


    According to wikipedia it is in the Mahogany family and has a 'timber of high quality.' 


    'This is of medium density, and ranges in colour from light brown to dark red.'


    'Seasoning is relatively simple in that planks dry without cracking or warping and are resistant to fungal infection.'




    I have several of these on my property and have to pull out the chainsaw regularly to keep them in check. 

  3. So in the mean time back at the ranch....


    I have decided to try my hand in scratch building the ships launch(if that is the correct term?), as the metal 'thing' supplied by AL does not look good.


    Got the plans from the Swedish Maritime Museum site, it might not be 100% historically accurate, but i'm hoping its going to look better than the AL offering.




  4. I have started this model a couple of years ago, but being my first attempt, realized that I was way out of my depth.


    I then put the build on hold and decided to try something simpler to develop my skills and try again.


    I have since completed the basic AL Mare Nostrum (loaded the pics in the Gallery), which taught me enough to build up the courage to try my hand at the Mayflower again.


    I have to say that the planking and other tutorials and knowledge on MSW(1 and 2) has been a tremendous aid in teaching me the basic skills.


    Thank you MSW!


    So this is where it is at the moment, I have put the bulkheads and keel together, decided to add extra balsa wood spacers between the bulkheads, as they felt a bit wobbly.


    The false decking has been installed, but the Ramin planks supplied for decking, is in my opinion, crap! Way to brittle and it does not sand to a smooth finish. Not sure if anybody else have had the same problems with Ramin, but I decided to replace it with Maple, so i'm waiting for delivery from Cornwall Model Boats.

    Since i'm living in the good old South Africa, this can take a while!



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