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Posts posted by Drazen

  1. Here are the explanations in pictures/photos:

    • plan of the lower deck (overloop)
    • photo of the partner (visser) I made. Please, note that I need to show only a small part of it under the ladders since this could be seen a little. On the photo, you see the bolts I already have made, but I am sure there have been more in order to hold this loaded part safely.







  2. Thank you amazone,


    These will help - especially on the Vasa photo, I can see the bolts on the hatch. Do you have a high resolution proto, you can send? If yes, I will send you a PM with my private email so you can send me these.


    I meant to fix the partners to the beams, but will need some additional fixation so want to do it historically right. Any photos from the lower deck on Vasa? - there is the real  partner (visser) carrying the load of the mast positioned. On the upper deck, there is just a simple hatch - but I also need these photos too.




  3. Hello Gyula,


    I came a little late to this log, but want to mention that I was also playing with the thought to build the former Eendracht (1653), but decided to go with my second choice - De Zeven Provincien (1665) since there were many people did (still doing) a lot of research on this ship before. I still am having a lot to do on my 7P with checking what could be right - and will never be 100% right I know.

    ... However, how lucky I would be to see these 17th century ships being well documented and built.


    I wish you a lot of luck and patience with coming as close as possible to the ship you have chosen to present. I admire the Artitec with their diorama. They made so many of these ships in quite nice representation - although not of wood, but it looks great indeed.


    I personally do not stick too much on Dik, Winter and specially not on Ketting, except for some details. Dik should had done a good job on rigging I heard. The lines by Cor Emke are definitely a good starting point. Also the knowledge by Ab Hoving represented in his books is very fundamental.


    I will follow your progress with interest.


    All the best


  4. But then, why bother to make all the other gunports on the orlopdeck??  




    Jan, this is a good question...  I think it was the time I was not 100% sure if I will let them open or closed, so did most of the lower gunports on one side. I think, I decided not to open them before I did the last two.


    It is somehow odd but, it is so. You may forgive me for doing to much - things I do not need :huh:



  5. Anja,


    really nice to have a woman following my build - great!


    My method is historically not right, but gives a very solid base for ewerything what will be seen by eyes on the model - and this what will be seen will be historically right - at least I will try to do so.


    There is a similar method (for me with some drawbacks) our Russian colleagues (Dr. Mike) are using. They also get a solid hull. if you do not show the inside of the ship, and I will not, this makes the life easier.



  6. Bruno,


    what is the base for your model (Friesland) in the gallery – which plans did you use? Is it a scratch or a kit?

    Can I (we) see the project Narim Maygeldinov is doing? I am curious also about his sources (plans, etc.)  since this is one of the
    biggest issues in my build. How does he mean to do it in admirality – Dutch did not have so strict rules like e.g. English ships? But, maybe a Dutch ship model showing the construction underneath... could be interesting.


    A great book about Dutch shipbuilding  (I also have it) is by Ab Hoving: "Nicolaes Witsen and Shipbuilding in the Dutch Golden Age"



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