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Everything posted by TheDutchShipBuilder

  1. Hi Everyone, It's been a while (again). I'm sorry for that, but I started my new study at the univerity of Rotterdam Mainport, so I couldn't do a lot. But unfortunatly I had to stop this study. The reason is personal. But this gave me some time to do some moddeling again. And I started just where we left off last time. I wasn't quit saticfied about the result of the 1st planking. So I decided to add a second planking. Besides that I finished the construction of the ship, underdeks as well as upperdeks. And here are finally some pictures again;
  2. Very nice work Bob! Looking very good Now you are really getting ahead of me. I'm currently busy with my final exams before I go to university next year to study navel architecture. Keep up the good work. Always looking forward to it!
  3. You are running ahead of me Bob! It's looking very good so far. You will stick to the metal gun replacements Artesania has send with the kit?
  4. Thanks Bob and indeed you are right. That's what I like about all these forums where people put there built logs on. Everyone built his or her schip in their own way, and we can all learn from each other!
  5. Update Thank you guys for the kind words! I have done some big work on the ship. Because I will be trying to make my ship look like the replica in Rochefort I decided to first sand it very smooth and than to paint it white. This is the result so far (keep in mind, other colours have yet to be painted and the windows and gun ports have to be sanded again):
  6. Good to hear Sjors! And sometimes modeling has to be put away for a while to do other (sometimes more important) things. Update An big update. The planking is finally done. It took me a while to finish but I'm very happy with the result. Keep in mind, a lot of sanding has to be done yet and some other things at the stern. But here are the photo's:
  7. Welcom back Sjors! Let the built go on, im looking forward to it!
  8. Thanks Sjors! Good to hear from you. How are you and Anja? Heard you moved? I hope you like your new house.
  9. Update Hello everyone, Here is finally another update I know some of you have been waiting for. I only did some work on the planking. Altough I am pretty satisfied with the result there are some mistakes. But I learn from them! Here are the photo's!: You will se that I removed the doors to the captain's cabin. I did this because I was not pleased with it and want to remake it. I also did some modification to the stern of the ship as you will see below:
  10. Wow Bob, thats some really nice planking! I don't think I can get even close to that! Keep up the good work
  11. Thanks guys! I can't build futher right now because I have to go to school again. I hope to make some new progress soon and let you know as fast as possible!
  12. Nice work Bob! If you make your Hermione just like that then it will be a beauty!
  13. Nice work Tom. I posted one post at the beginning of yout topic. Since then you have made some big and nice progress! Keep up the good work
  14. Thanks guys. Update Here is a small update. Some photo's of the methode I used whem planking. I made the planks wet en put them around a food can. With the other planks I did put them wet on the ship before glueing it:
  15. Hi Sjors, How are you and Anja? Your aggy is looking very good I haven't been around the forum lately. Just doing some other things. It's great to see it is coming along, not as my ship which I still have to finish planking
  16. Thanks Bob! Update Here is another update on my built. I began with planking the rest of the hull. I am thinking of doing a second planking, but for now I strated with the first. Here are some photo's of the current state:
  17. Thank you Bob! Update Hello everyone, here is the update some of you have been waiting for. Last 3 weeks have been a holiday for me. No school means a lot of moddeling. But I have to work also to get some money. But I managed to do some big things to my ship. I finished the last things I wanted to do with the ship before planking, like making a door to the captain's cabin. And then finally there was the day where I began planking. Below are the results of the first planking. I haven't sanded it all, so it's not smooth yet. I did also saw out the gun ports already and planked the back of the ship. I have to finish the windows yet. Here are the pictures:
  18. Amazing Bob! Those windows are looking very good! I hope I can get mine so good as yours.
  19. Hello everyone, It has been some time since my last post. Busy with school and things. I was able to built a little bit futher on my ship, photo's will soon come. Currently I'm celebrating my 18 birthday with my family
  20. Hi Bob, It's coming along nicely! I am about to begin planking myself. Keep up the good work!
  21. Well Bob, sadly it is gone. I tried to repair it and that attempt went badly wrong and I broke the mast. And I was busy with the Hermione so I threw it in the bin ( )
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