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Everything posted by TheDutchShipBuilder

  1. Wow, Bob! Really nice work. My first built was the Albatros of Constructo. Those kits deliver some handy tools to get used with this hobby. Sadly the Albatros is now in the bin because I made a mistake with varnish
  2. Thanks guys! Update Here another small update. A while ago I did some work on the cannon's. I almost completed half of the cannons, but I saw that I hadn't posted the photo's of it yet. So here they are: And here some photo's of the ship itself. I did finish the gun ports on the left side, now all I have to do is the right side :
  3. Dont build to fast! Otherwise I can't keep up with your build Well, to be honest, it's very easy to be faster than me. Next summer holiday (end of June) I will be building this ship for two years! Keep up the good work. I think you will be a great example for me
  4. Update Hello everyone, Here are some extra photo's of my ship in it's current state (5/3/2015) because it's been a while since my last photo's. I did some work on the construction and inside planking:
  5. Just plank the top strips first with the curve of the deck. I think thats the best way. That's how I'm going to do it
  6. Thank you Bob! I will be building again. The built was in a stop for a few months because of school, but I have now 2 weeks holiday!! So new updates will be coming soon!
  7. Hi bob, I did see your post on my topic. You have made some really nice progress so far. I really like your deck, really nice to weather it a bit. Im to late for that. Are you also planning to paint it?
  8. Hi Sjors, How are you? Haven't been here for a while You made some nice progress again. Keep up the good work!!
  9. Nice work so far Mark! I really like your built. Remembers me of my own built, the Hermione, also a French Frigate! Keep up the good work!
  10. Thanks guys! @Tim, yes I know. I like it too. I used Danish Oil, and this works so great! @Jan, It's really going to look like a ship now. I hope I can soon begin with planking!
  11. Update Hello everyone, Here is another small update. I'm currently very busy with school. School is something I have been busy the last few years. This causes that I haven't got a lot of time to built. That's why it isn't going as fast as other builts. Some things most people would do in 1 day I do in 2 days or more because every day I have almost no time to built. Another good thing is that I managed to built more often after school. This meanly because of my mobile workbench which is working great for me. It's now easy to take all the tools I need and clean it when I'm done Enough talking, here are some pictures. I did again some work on the construction. I used a quite unique methode. I had to bend a wooden strip from 4mm by 4mm. But the turn was to sharp. So what I did is I took a aluminium strip and bended this into the right form. Then I placed a 0,5 by 5mm strip on top. After this I putted another 8 strips on top of each other (glued together). And it worked great! :
  12. Update Here is a small update with some extra picture's of the construction of the captain's cabin which is finally done :
  13. Update Hello everyone, Here are the picture's of the current state of my ship. I did some work on the construction of the captain's cabin:
  14. Update Hello everyone, First of all, I wish everyone a good and healthy new year. May it be a nice building year for us! I have been busy in the last few weeks. Photo's of the progress of the ship itself will follow soon. Today I did some work on the cannon's. I had to make 72 of those parts of the cannon with the stair figure (you know what I mean when you see the photo's below). I did 36 of them today. A lot of work! : This is my current workspace: I hope to post some more pictures of the ship itself soon!
  15. WOW Sjors, you have made some very nice progress!! I wish you and Anja tje best wishes for 2015 (and of course also everyone else)!
  16. Update Hello everyone, Here is a small update. I finished up making the black lines between the deck planks. I still don't know how to are called in Englisch. After this I desided to oil the deck first before finishing the gun ports. So I did the first layer of Danish Oil and here is the result:
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