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Everything posted by greatgalleons

  1. This is a kit from Artesania Latina of the Jolie Brise French Gaff rigged Pilot Cutter originally built in 1913. One hundred years later It is used today as a training vessel for youth.
  2. If you are interested in seeing the bluenose ship in action there is a 2 part movie on Netflix called the "Sea Wolf". I came across this show right after I finished my blue nose model and it really shows the scale of the working ship in comparison with the crew. Nice build by the way.
  3. I,m eager to see if this build will be similar to M.Shipways whale boat, I have not started the actual boat yet but I have scratch build the components for the whale boat davits the boat hangs from. Does the Amati kit have the davit plans also in the kit like model shipways does?
  4. I've made the rigging blocks out of 2mm square wood for the canons since the supply provided in the kit are a bit larger and are only used for the standing rigging.
  5. with most of the decking furnishings done I'll start on the open deck cannons, my rat catcher is trying to steal the spot light!
  6. It's amazing these ships were works art and crafmanship, some fleets were the pride of the nation and represented their wealth and power. Thanks for this wonderful pic. .
  7. I tried this part provided in the kit and I did not care for it at all.
  8. in the past I have used silicon to adhere the casting, now I primarily use JB weld, it also works on broken casting and takes paint really well.
  9. so I'm done with the castings around the gallery and stern , I'll move on to the bow section
  10. here is a painting from 1666 of a few Friesian ships during the four day battle, there is a lot of red used on the carvings and area around the galleries , I'll use some similar colors on the model
  11. these pieces required wood glued to the back of each before placing on the model
  12. I have added the nails to the hull strakes mostly for a effect like tree nails would be. Also before working on the bow of the ship I have decided to work on the stern and gallery area now while its still easy to maneuver the hull around as needed. Some of the castings have lost their gold plating mostly due to age, this is a older kit. I will use different enamel paints on the figures like copper, gold and silver, even some red enamel. There are some paintings of the 4 day battle from 1666 which show a lot of red paint on the gallery area and carvings on the original ships of the era which look very much like the friesland. the rudder is not fastened on yet until I'm done with the rest of the stern and tafrail.
  13. its taken a week to finish the starboard side planking and cabin area, I'm cleaning up the gunwale areas and adding some railing.
  14. started overlapping the green laths on the upper hull , finished the second planking on hull, it is not sanded yet, will have to complete the starboard side first.
  15. When I am completely done with the hull I will I will glue the cannons to the carriages by placing a quick drying glue on the canon prongs, then carefully sliding them into the ports and onto the carriage. I cannot work on the hull as I need to with the canon barrels glued in so I leave that step for last, The upper decks are all in with the canon carriages glued in also, except for on the open area on the main deck, those will have rigging and blocks since they will be visible. I have to admit that this build has been quite challenging since I do not have a reference to go by. Also I have had problems with insufficient materials. There has not been enough wood for the strakes and hull planking so I have been using similar wood I have had stored away for a while, I hope you do not have this problem. It may be that I did not purchase my kit from a reputable source and have received a shorted kit.
  16. Started on the hull planking, the strakes are stained with mahogany stain since most of the wood for this kit is all the same tone, also trimming the canon ports a little at a time
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