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Ilhan Gokcay

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Everything posted by Ilhan Gokcay

  1. Thanks my friends. Finished the ratlines. This is the best method I’ve tried. Putting a card behind the shrouds with drawn lines.
  2. I’ve finished the shrouds and also the main and fore stay. There is no stay for the mizzen mast. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/ (Best go into the set and choose slideshow)
  3. Hi Kester, thanks for reply. Some of my friends are telling that this Endeavour replica has a planking of Dutch practice but this also not exactly. I also always thought that the planks should run parallel to the wales as possible and stealers are used where necessary. This achieved by reducing the widht of the planks (max%50). Regards Ilhan
  4. I was also discussing the pattern of planking with some friends and wonder if the way of planking of the replica of Endeavour is correct. This pattern looks like the way of the Dutch practice mentioned here. But I have doubts. Is it correct that an English ship (Endeavour replica) has a pattern of planking of Dutch practice. This Dutch practice seems dubious to me as the planks are running directly into the wales with steep angles at the bow. Is that the real the Dutch practice or is the Dutch practice the one which Mondfeld describes. Are there any other examples of the Dutch practice or any other readings, books about this. Attached a picture of Anatomy of the ship-Endeavour Ilhan
  5. Thanks my friends. Rigging is not too much complicated and I hope to finish soon.
  6. I’ve glued the masts and started to fit the shrouds. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.co...han_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.co...57626433922489/
  7. I’ve finished the anchors. They are made from copper rod, bend and shaped with files. I’ve silver soldered the parts and blackened with “BrassBlack” Unfortunately this time I missed to take pictures of every stage. Hoops are brass strips first bend to shape then blackened and glued with CA. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.co...han_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.co...57626433922489/
  8. Thank you very much my friends. Hello Pat, how are you?
  9. Hey friends, thank you very much for your kind words. I'm going on with the rigging and attached some photos.
  10. Hello Ferit, congratulations! Well done, and seems to be almost scratch built. Ilhan Gokcay
  11. I'm going on with the rigging. Heart blocks are used for the mizzen and foremast shrouds and these are fixed to deck. I’ve attached also every possible standing and running rigging to the main mast at this stage. For convenience I’ve modified some cloth pegs which proved to be very useful. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/
  12. Glued the cleats to the masts and the top secured with 0,5 mm pins and also finished the rope wooldings of the masts and yards.
  13. Finished the parrals. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.co...han_gokcay/sets Best go into the set and choose slideshow or http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/detail/?page=47
  14. Janos, thanks. I followed the plans/drawings of the book(Hackney/Hölzel) for the rigging, but crosschecked everything using R.C.Anderson's book (17th c rigging..)and validated. The Anatomy of the ship "Susan Constant" by Brian Lavery was also very helpful.
  15. Hi Janos, how are you? Thanks. Ferit, Christian thank you very much for the compliments.
  16. Finished the bulwarks. I’ve painted the remaining planks of the bulwarks seperately. Covered the contact surfaces with masking tape and handpainted with Humbrol enamel matt paint. Again used white glue(PVA) for glueing. Sanded the corners off which needed some touchup afterwards. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets Best go into the set and choose slideshow or http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/detail/?page=46
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