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Ilhan Gokcay

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Everything posted by Ilhan Gokcay

  1. Attached the mizzen sail and belayed its rigging. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page16
  2. Thank you very much my friends. Nothing much left. It will be finished soon.
  3. No progress, Only some photos of the general appearance. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page16
  4. Hi B.E. its ok. Your questions are right but I've no answer. By the time I've found the text about the leech lines and bunt lines. It was from "Mondfeld" and I am not able to comment on the reliability of this information. There are also no traces of foot ropes for that period. Maybe sails are not furled tight to the yard as we think of it but hold together somehow and the yard was lowered to the deck. For my model of Mayflower I've strictly followed R.C.Anderson. But for the period of Matthew there are lots of questions. Cheers Ilhan
  5. There are two replicas. One of them based on drawings of Colin Mudie (See the article on NRJ). This is the Bristol replica. My drawings are based unfortunately on the other replica built at Bonavista.
  6. Thank you very much my friends. Hi B.E. thanks for the tip. You are right but indeed there are too many dubious points with this ship. Even the belaying pins were most likely not in use at that period. . I've omitted some of them and also reduced the numbers but some of them remained. As source I've also an article from NRJ and Pastor's AOS "The ships of Christopher Columbus". But I must confess that I've not tried my best. (I don't remember exactly, I've read somewhere that leech lines do exist before the buntlines. But I should check this) P.S. for the moderator. I've attached some pages from a journal and a book. If there is a problem with the copyright I can delete them.
  7. .... For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page16
  8. ... For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page16
  9. Attached the main sail and belayed its rigging. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489 http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page16
  10. Attached the sprit sail and fore sail to the masts and belayed their rigging. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page15/
  11. Rigging on the ship has also been attached. Finished also all the rope coils. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page15/
  12. For my second planking which is thin veneer I've used contact adhesive (Pattex). See my build log of Matthew. I can recommend it.
  13. Hi Janos, the idea is that because I can not sew good enough. But it proved to be very usefull for folding the edges too.
  14. I forgot to mention. I appllied diluted white glue to the edges of the sails.
  15. Hi Ferit, This is a very good work what you have done here. I would like to tell you that never get disappointed about what the kit companies do offer. But some prejudice is a good way here.
  16. I have attached the sails to the yards and all the rigging to the sails at this stage. Next I will put the rigging on the ship. Finally I will attach the complete yards with sails and rigging to the model. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page15/
  17. Finished the sails. As material I’ve used white thin shirt fabric. After very bad experiences with tea, this time I have dyed the cloth with fabric dye. But I didn’t followed the instructions. Dissolved the dye(dark beige) in hot water. Put the cloth in it for a short time. After repating this a couple of times I did get the right color. As I’m not good at sewing I use starch to make the clotch hard (like paper or card) This makes me to sew more easily and also it’s easy to make sharp bends at the edges. After sewing I wash them a couple of times to make the cloth soft again. For the boltropes I use the zigzag stich. At one side the needle hits the space but it’s not a problem. This is historically not correct but I think it’s acceptable. And added a bonnet to the mainsail as it’s too big. For large and more detail photos see also: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/ http://www.flickr.com/photos/ilhan_gokcay/sets/72157626433922489/page14/
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