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  1. Thanks for all the input, Im home at the moment and the model is aboard the cargo ship that i work on.... in the Indian Ocean. Will be going back aboard in 3 weeks. Im looking at wood strips for the decking and thinking 1/32 thick x 1/8 wide strips?? and would the boxwood have the finest grain? Thanks for the help Ross
  2. as you can see from this pic the decks have sagged a lot and they had used some sort of simulated wood paper to cover the decks. Im wondering if i could do a plank deck with wood strips? any Idea as to what kind of metal its made of? looks like lead? is there a lead alloy that would be this stiff?
  3. Hello everyone, I have been trying for about a year to buy this old model of a Lloyd Triestino Line passenger liner….tenacity and convincing that I could give it a new life paid off. Now what to do? Im assuming it is from the shipbuilders, I think it’s made of pewter? And leaded together? It was originally in the Lloyd Triestino offices in Mombasa Kenya then donated to the Seaman’s Mission. It had housings under the hull for lights to light all the port holes. The decks have sagged and the hull has also…. Is this normal? Im assuming the model was made in 1951 or 52 when the ship was built. Its 63 inches long so should be 1/100 scale Any suggestions help and information would be greatly appreciated
  4. Here is a pic from last year and the inner planking. As you can see in the first pic, I used some ideas from a few builds here and from some pics ive found other places
  5. Nice Job Vincent, you’ve really made progress in little over a months’ time. The basic hull for Sirene is almost the same as my HMS Unicorn, another Corel 1:75 scale. I like what you did with the keel/stem did you stain the plywood edges to make them match the outer veneer? Ive been afraid to oil my hull thinking I should sand a bit more, yours looks great!!
  6. Hello Everyone, First of all thank you all for the amazing posts you have shared and all the great tips. Ive been reading and following all of these inspiring builds and am stalled out and need a push and some suggestions. I started my build over a year ago and trying to figure out how to make the keel and stem look better before I continue with the rudder. And on deck, I lost a ladder I made last year (yes made it cause it was fun to play with J ) and am on the fence with the one other ladder ive made, they don’t seem to be the right scale unless you’re a giant. Im on a cargo ship in the Indian Ocean at the moment so am not sure how picture uploading will go due to satellite internet but will try. Many of you know the difficulties of this Corel kit, im thinking many items are a bit large like belaying pins blocks buttons etc.
  7. what about walnut? the easy bend of rounding towards the stem is somewhat easy, now how do we get the lower part to lay a little closer to the inner planking?
  8. Hi Zyxuz, Hows it going? hoping your still hard at work on your Unicorn, yours ant others have been very helpful for my build. Ross
  9. Hi again John, sorry water down your post here...I am just reaching the keel with my first layer of planking and wondering where to terminate. If i run both layers of planking all the way down the keel will end up being 10mm thick. Im now assuming that the inner layer should end as they come off the bulkheads (faired in towards the keel)? Thanks for the help Ross
  10. Thanks John, and yes ive been following the other builds here as well....and have looked through about 100 pages of model ship pics from the National Maritime Museum for reference... great stuff. I wish i have some better tools and clamps for this unfortunately I am aboard a cargo ship on the East Africa trade and cant even find a decent bottle of wood glue. Im just finishing up on the first layer of planking....how the heck do you clamp/pin the outer layer?
  11. John, would there have been gun port doors on the Unicorn? Im a new ship builder with the Unicorn being my first and am learning tons from you guys. Thanks Ross
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