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Everything posted by amazone

  1. very impressif build Jan i am lost for words and te pic seems amazing
  2. even witout sails see look stunning graet job
  3. making te mast outside te ship is somting i nevver attemt , but not e bad idee maby fore te next one i give it e trai. but my nowlag of rigging is not that grait i alwais have te lock @ you plan from the heemskerk wot i use fore rigging
  4. very inpressif Jan keep up te good work
  5. absolutlie emazing job piet great schipbilding on e verry smale schale .
  6. good the here the good news piet. fore you knecht , you dont have the carve every ditaai in it e good paint job dos wonders on just e smal head. and i see you doing better whit eehts version so keep up the good work happy camper
  7. follow you intuision piet and all gonne b fine. most wood if not paintet iht had e taer coting over iht ( black ) just fore rotting
  8. hi piet i am working on probely the shipyart were you ship is build i startet in 2014 and hope the finich in 2018 and have e shipyard dio from 6 m long 1/87 http://marineterrein.blogspot.nl/2015/10/belgen-en-nederlanders-maken-samen.html
  9. nice work m8 i am prity bisy on e long turm project but next year i gonne start e POW ship , i am prepairing e lot of things richt now for this ship like making vineer bone strips making e sollit wooden hull ... i wil start e topic if most preperations are done. probely beginof next year. keep up the good work you doing e graet job on the dutch ship
  10. hi piet maby you have te make round pools under the railing . you can dril e holl in the dek and lower ar hiher you pools thil you hit the railing, wil b e lot yse the make them i think
  11. yes i ges both solutions are OK from schaarstok to schaarstok are from beam to beam .
  12. capstan stands in e visser. same as the mast iht is e dikker plank than the normal dakplanking and go from one scheerstrook to the odder scheerstrook.
  13. hi Gyula dificeld question i struggeld whit the same ting and disided the do no planking at al on the ship just de beams visibel. i think if you do put planks on you ship do all . i know iht is verry hard the covver al the hard work you putting in to iht . you can do e left side full plankt and live the odder side open but than you have the build the whol ship like iht sepose the bee like i building the Utrecht now the sternpost locks verry good
  14. pic from e dutch lion are very hard te find , spesily e good one. i always use the same pic and thats the one from witsen his book. here the pic and the lion i made fore my jacht.
  15. nice one piet you gonne carf e lion aswel fore the galion ?
  16. i think you have somting els in you mind than me drazen de visser is notting more than e plank whit e holl fore the mast. maby you can show on e pic what you wanne know my englich is not so good
  17. hi drazen i dont have pic from the wasa this one came from the yotube movie but if you pauze the film you can see lots of ditaile http://www.vasamuseet.se/Om/Aktuellt/Filmen-om-Vasa/
  18. ok no explicitie dimensiens are givven so you have the make iht between 2 dekbeems and the schaarstokken. i hope somone can explane you in proper englich bicos i dond know the englich name fore iht. if the schaarstokken stand more than 3 feet i think on the 7 prov in you case 7 feet i wil reduse ( bring iht back ) thil 3 feet
  19. hi drazen i made e pic from the visser on the orlopdek i wil chek how big yours nede the b bicos this ship is only 135 feet long and you 7 prov is e bit longer and i tink the visser nede the b bigger than the one i made.
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