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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. I am so sorry to hear that, really so sad for the loss of his entire family. I can only imagine how difficult this must be for them, coming suddenly.

    Even if we have not seen each other, we were friends through the forum and I have really loved him, admired his generosity, optimism, politeness... He was a good man. I will really miss him.

    I know that nothing that I can say will make dear Suzanne and his family and them who love him, feel better at this time. It is too hard to face this sorrow.

    I can only pray to God for giving them the patience to be able to bear such a pain...

    I offer all my sincere condolences...

  2. Salute Sjors,

    I have hit the same problem in my build. I have resolved it by adding a piece of wood carved as the continuation of the shape and then repainted. As Robbyn says; you can add a piece of wood to the each side of the lower parts. Then you can shape these two pieces as the downward continuation of the stern thing and repaint the whole stern thing. In this way you can extend its height.

  3. Hello Brian,

    The planking is looking very well...

    I don't understand the first question because of my weakness of English language. If I understood you correctly, it's not obligatory to use 2-part epoxy. I can say to use CA is enough to glue wood to metal strongly because there is a little space of metal to be glued.

    For the second question I can suggest to apply each strake separately and to begin with the uppermost strip. Then leaning closely against the first strip to plank the second strip... And leaning closely against the second strip to plank the third. As you bend the strips in a convex manner; being leaned against the previous strip, they will fastened to each other closely and follow easily the same curve...

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