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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. i like the white shrouds - are you going to contrast the ratlines in black - or keep it all the same colour?


    all the best

    Hello Kevin,

    I am waiting with patience your updates on HMS Victory, clean and impeccable build. I have found your Log tardy, decided to follow it but unfortunately you have come to a stop...m1516.gif

    Speaking of Berlin, I will keep all ropes natural hemp color...

    I have learned that static ropes have to be dark color, brown or black and active ropes white or cream. But meanwhile I saw in some Corel's finished models showed via internet, all ropes in natural hemp color, that event has pleased and encouraged me to go with the natural hemp color.

    Black is only in metal work and glasses of the windows...

  2. Hi Ferit,


    It's such a joy to watch your Berlin taking shape.


    Are you familiar with silver soldering? I'm not yet to the point where I've done any myself, but I've read here of instances where unsoldered rings and such may open up under the tension of the rigging, allowing it to sag. The wrapping and gluing might be adequate, but it's something to consider. There is a silver soldering tutorial in the article downloads section.




    Hi Brian, thank you for the kind comment and the information...


    There are many techniques and manners I see at MSW. I became aware of them in course of time. (Many thanks to all...)

    Soldering is the top solution. If only I can... But I flee from it. If I should have enough information I have not any experience and don't know if I can handle it. Experience is as important as knowledge, I think. But I had a try with the tension, fortunately the glued dead eye with CA has remained very stable...

  3. Very nice Ferit... as usual :)


    I like your chainplates a lot and am in need of creating some and yours are an excellent example of what I want... I intend to make them of 20 gauge copper and blacken... hope you don't mind if I copy your design... I also like the top threading under the deadeye, gives a nice finished look.... might do that as well.

    You've inspired me to do better and i thank you for that :)

    Thank you Randy, such nourishing words you say!...

    As I have no knowledge and experience about soldering I have used glue... I had to go on with the kit supply. I can suggest you to make the gap, namely the junction point in the part located under the rope...


  4. Ferit,


    As usual superlative work. Did you make those?. I'm sure you did. And if you did, would you have a few pics that you could post?

    I'm close to also installing the chainplates, but I don't like those that came with the ship. Your artistry is always so helpful.





    Your kindness as always...

    Thank you Michael.

    These all parts were supplied by Corel, they aren't scratch unfortunately, if only I can...

    I have drawn how I had acted...


  5. Hi Ferit,


    That looks great!

    Did you use beeswax on the lanyards?

    When I magnify the pictures, it looks a little fuzzy…...

    With beeswax you gonna avoid that.

    But on the other hand….maybe the rope gets dirty when you do that.

    Don't forget to seizing the end of the rope to the shroud…

    Thank you Sjors,

    I didn't use beeswax on the ropes...

    I think that I can burn the fuzz with snap fire... Bad idea...m1311.gif

  6. I haven't done this myself (yet) but I believe you can darken the shrouds with 'India Ink'.  I'm sure others with more experience can provide more insight, but would seem to be an straightforward task.  She is looking wonderful, and I'm sure whatever you decide it will look great.

    Thank you Jason for the suggestion... Good idea that I have never heard...

    That was registered... I can try it but I have starched the ropes already... They shouldn't absorb the Indian ink???

  7. Hi Juergen,


    You are right and have a very kind manner in your notice... smileys-happy-775829.gif

    I don't think that the shrouds were white...

    But I decided to left them as the kit had supplied...

    I think my decision is wrong but I don't want another effort to buy and replace the ropes, I am an obsessive man and sometimes this temper fatigues me and sometimes to break this temper makes me feel happy... that situation is one of them...

  8. Great work Jason, harmony in all as usual...

    May I ask a question?

    Under the forecastle deck there is the frontmost cannon. But is there enough height for the crew to fire it easily? Proportionally to the height of the forecastle deck on your model, which height has the original ship's? I asked this because I would like to learn the accuracy of the Caldercraft's plans. Thanks...

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