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Posts posted by Ferit

  1. Hi Jason,

    Nice, precise, clean as usual...

    "If anyone has any other suggested improvements would love to hear them." My suggestion after this sentence (my apologizes):

    If you decided to leave the elevation screw brass coloured, should mellow a little with age; may the area which is out of the working section of the screw through the carronade be more darker because these bottom and top areas remain unrubbed?

  2. Ferit,


    I'm very impressed with your shrouds and deadeyes.  On the color... the tar darkened with age.  So new rigging wouldn't be black. I did my Wasa all in light linen and I like the way it looks.  :)


    I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.

    Thank you Mark, for your kind comment, much appreciated...

    Even if it's my decision to go with natural hemp color in all ropes, it sounds very good that light linen color is acceptable in modelling... Thank you again for the encouragement...

    "On the color... the tar darkened with age"... She is a fetus yet... ;)

  3. Very easy Ferit,


    In the morning after the morning coffee I'm sitting behind the pc and see what was going on during the night.

    For us it is night and for the rest of the world daytime.

    Then I go to the build and a few hours later I go back to the pc and see if there is some news.

    If it is, I'm responding…..

    Then It goes fast…...

    So this is my last post for today , Anja has to go out of her bed at 5.00 am and I go with her to make her breakfast…..

    When she comes home from work, I'll be just away for my work because I have the late shift from 15.45 till 00.45…..

    Enjoy your day, evening or night and I'll see you tomorrow.

    What I summarize after four months is you enjoy your life... t5109.gif

  4. i admire people like you that make an attempt to speak in the English language, full credit to you and everyone, i leant one to ten in French and then failed an exam as i was to stupid to realise that my name is the same in any language, and i tried to translate it

    as for the right word - lol perhaps you used the right word (Tardy) in the first place -lol 


    all the best

    One month ago I had written in a member's log the word "terrible" instead of "terrific"... I had thought that I had said a good thing... What a shame for me!... And you had corrected me... Thank you twice Kevin...

  5. Sorry 


    real life gets in the way - full time work lots of DIY on the house - big garden - and the biggest surprise of all - that my daughter who i lost 15 years ago has made contact, i progress with the build when i get the chance - no one more than me wants to get on with it - not quite sure you mean by tardy though, lol it doesnt mean anything special in the English dictionary - if you do mean that - then im afraid i am unable to improve on my own work

    Oh no Kevin...

    I had not paid any attention to your Log then one day I had stopped by and loved your build and decided to follow it. Your build had came at some stage when I found it. I tried to mention that, shame for my English level... Let me know which is the correct word.

    I know the life is a war, not a victory nor defeat... I hope all around you will bring you the goodness...

  6. Thank you Ferit. Your confidence in me is uplifiting. I always like your suggestions too and your drawing looks very similar to the way I just did a prototype with the bottom ring forming around a fat 1.5mm sewing needle stuck into a board. I need the junction to be farther from the deadeye tho as when I solder I fear the flame being that close to the wooden deadeye. In that case I probably will not wrap the top.

    True, I know how to solder but not well enough to make it an easy time.... most of the time it is trial and error ... I have to do 30 deadeyes with strops and around number 15 or so I'll start to get a rhythm ;) I hope!

    Randy, I have just realized that the problem is to burn the deadeye with fire. Excuse me because of my inattentiveness.

    In my kit supply if to glue the deadeye remains stable, your scratch would be more stable with CA and more easy and more speedy...

  7. Thanks for the tip Ferit. I tried a few prototypes and found bending the wire and trying to connect at the deadeye was impossible so I changed the junction point further down to the bottom. I'll have to solder but at least I shouldn't light my wooden deadeyes on fire.

    No matter what tho it will be better than the wire stuff from AL... I hope :)

    Hello Randy,

    I believe that you can manage it very shapely... as your impressive SF...

    I saw your AL's supply. I am sure that to compare kit supply with your oncoming scratch will be meaningless... In addition you know how to solder...

    An another suggestion, sorry...


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