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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Hi, Vince, balsa shouldn't be bent, it badly bends and thus easily breaks. Inserts should be cut out from blocks or thick boards of balsa, then they very well hold a form.
  2. Certainly, the choice of a material of a filler depends on specific objectives, sometimes it is necessary to use a material firmer. But in any case balsa is the most technological material.
  3. Use of the machine: whetstone 25х25 mm, a pear laths 5х2 mm from a pear
  4. The general configuration Rig details are installed on a wood plate 450х380х24 the mm, the thickness collected from plywood of 10 mm and the laminated parquet board in the thickness of 14 mm. The plate is installed on furniture legs with adjustment possibility on altitude. The motor is installed on an antivibration pad from rubber in the thickness of 10 mm.
  5. Hi, Danny, but balsa is easily processed and well holds a form .
  6. The way of fastening of a skin on a drum also is widely used long ago by jamming by a level in many designs, a difference only in the one who than gets jammed: wooden, plastic or metal level or rubber laying etc. Here to couple of examples of other drums. on which the skin is jammed and keeps very much even decently.
  7. Abrasive Mainly on a fabric basis, the grain size can be any Also it is defined proceeding from polishing problems.
  8. Hi, Dave! I am glad to your return, with pleasure I observe "rebirth" of Mars !
  9. The electromotor Asynchronous three-phase general purpose of type the AИР power of 0,55 KW on 915 turns in a minute. It is connected to a network 220 in by means of working and starting capacitors and the magnetic starter, provides thus shaft power about 350 W. The given electromotor is chosen first of all because of a corrected speed and desire to use the direct drive. The Polish colleagues on the basis of long application of similar grinding machines experimentally installed that speed of twirl of a drum of 900 rpm in diameter about 50 mm is optimum wood for polishing (in particular, pears).
  10. The drive The direct drive through two half-couplings (landing apertures in diameter of 12 and 19 mm) with a silicone crosswise lining (on the basis of successful experience of application of the analogous drive in the circular saw) is used.
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