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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Yes, the model impresses! Evgeny Epur also great master in the field of a galvanoplasty, here some photo of its Santa Maria model executed in this equipment.
  2. For realization of this technology it is possible to use various needles including mentioned by you - if only internal diameter approached.
  3. Copper plates on the hull of the well-known Victory - model of the known modeller Evgeny Epur from Odessa.
  4. Yes, of course, it is a known historic fact, and also that Peter worked for shipyards as the simple carpenter. He also was a modeller, as well as we, the model of the ship made by it with own hand is stored in Moscow .
  5. Mirages happen different, some materialize, for example, in the form of the ship
  6. Really good and simple idea in the realization, not demanding difficult adaptations.
  7. Hi, Harvey! There is nothing to apologize, I am glad that I managed to you to help!
  8. Here one more beautiful model Mikhail Bezverkhny - the French ship Rivoli.
  9. It is quite whimsical preparation in use. Try at first its action on samples from that wood which you want to process on model.
  10. Results. Nails of two sizes: with a diameter of 0,4 and 0,8мм, 4 high and 5мм.
  11. The needle ready to work is clamped in a bormashinka cartridge.
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