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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Addition to the section GUNS Production of gun trunks.
  2. Many thanks, Anja! I would like to build so quickly really models , but it while only recovery of messages already published on MSW.
  3. The gunner Garward is ready to firing (author of composition my colleague Raul http://www.goldenhind.ru/)
  4. Continuation Cheeks of a foremast are established.
  5. Continuation Parrel cleats until just glued to the mast, woodling will be installed during the manufacture of rigging.
  6. Continuation Parrel cleats made of Australian cherries (Cherry Ballart).
  7. Some modellers use this idea already for a long time, it too was pleasant to me. I successfully use the carnations received in such a way not only for Montanes.
  8. Many thanks for an assessment of my efforts! It is interesting to me to systematize my publications in three years, it appears, them the decent quantity was gathered!
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