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Everything posted by Garward

  1. Continuation After a covering mast top platform linseed oil.
  2. Continuation Mast top platform protection: the nielloed brass grid framed with pear levels (total thickness of 2 mm). In a handrail 3 mm wide the groove 2 mm wide is made.
  3. Continuation Mast top platform of a foremast.
  4. Dear Tylmo and Anja, everything is all right, if we cope with construction of models, and with communication language we will have no problems
  5. Check of observance of scale of model - before to construct something, is necessary everything well to measure! (author of composition my colleague Raul http://www.goldenhind.ru/)
  6. Hi, Dave, many thanks for an appreciation of my work! It is pleasant to me that my publications were useful to you.
  7. And so gammoning masts on model Panteleymon-Victoria of modeller Alexey Baranov look.
  8. So look gammoning masts on the Rivoli model of known Russian modeller Mikhail Bezverkhny (Doctor Michael).
  9. Continuation Gammoning masts are made of the strips of an interline interval wetted in water and wound on a hot soldering iron.
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