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Everything posted by CDW

  1. To dress up the kit LG a bit, added brake lines from .5mm lead wire.
  2. Not sure if he’s up to the task, but this pilot is in the driver’s seat.
  3. Thanks Ken. This being a naval fighter, it’s going to carry an interesting mix of air-to-surface missiles along with air-to-air and a data link pod. The Russians have the KH-59 cruise missiles, a slow, low flying missile, and the KH-31 hypersonic missiles designed to take out ships as well as ground targets. For air defense, R-77’s, R-27”s, and R-73”s.
  4. This wraps up the panel line wash and weathering. A few touchups needed here and there. Broke a couple of small parts and will need to replace them.
  5. Thanks OC The ingredients for an oil panel line wash Lightly dampen a rag with white spirits and give it all a good wipe down (in the direction of airflow) There are various products one could use to reduce artist oils for the panel wash, but here I chose lighter fluid. Besides being an excellent product to reduce the oil, it contains naptha which dries more quickly than other products such as white spirits. It's a builder's choice, whatever works well for you, use it.
  6. Thanks EG. I learned that technique from a fellow modeler a few years ago. I should have mentioned the metallic colors used were lacquers. Alclad II and Mr Color. The Mr Color copper color was highly reduced to keep it somewhat translucent. Of course the Alclad colors are translucent straight from the bottle. One day I am going to try this technique using acrylics but on something scrap, first. Not sure about getting a translucent finish using acrylics. I put on all the decals I intend to use on the airframe then applied some Solvaset. Will let them thoroughly dry before proceeding with panel lines detail. There remain a LOT of weapons needing detail painting and decals as well as the landing gear and doors. Fun 🤩
  7. I saw where Model Expo is offering this kit for $399 on their website. Seems a fair price for something like this IMO. For those who want upgraded details but are put off by the cost, I just noticed that the Pontos update set for the 1:200 USS Enterprise is a mere $549, and that's more than the cost of the model kit itself which sells for about $475. Hey, it is what it is.
  8. The engine painting sequence. A bit of errant paint slipped through my masking on top of one horizontal stabilizer but will fix that up with the airbrush later.
  9. We all are traveling a similar road EG, but sometimes we are not as aware of our situation as you are now. Even then, the road may have twists and turns hidden from view, so keep hope alive always. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
  10. Still working on the small details that must be masked and painted. Maintenance panels.
  11. Yes, that's the process. Tedious work but in the end looks fantastic.
  12. I use a number 11 surgical scalpel blade and that works perfect for me. Definitely a new blade. I have the small radius template as well. I think it’s the B template. I don’t see as much need for the other two. My next 1:700 scale warship decks will be painted as mentioned earlier, using the tape to simulate different color boards.
  13. Alan I actually bought the Infini template/s after watching another modeler paint the deck of a 1:700 warship using the smallest strips of masking tape to paint the individual planks in various wood colors. It came out so nice, I had to have one myself.
  14. The Infini type A mask cutting template allows the modeler to precision cut small sections of masking tape that allow precise masking of little areas that require detail painting. Using templates like this could allow a modeler to do complicated paint schemes such as the digital camo mentioned earlier in this thread. I still prefer a precut mask for something like that. Lazy.
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