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Everything posted by CDW

  1. While the paint is mixed and the airbrush is out, it just makes sense to me to build the pair of the aircraft at the same time. The only difference in the two will be the decal markings. Both have the same basic airframe colors.
  2. Wow, these look great Alan. 1:72 scale armor has come a long way.
  3. By Arjun Sarup - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=87487043
  4. By Josephus37 - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=51195861
  5. Looks to me the Japanese borrowed heavily from the F-86 Sabre and F-100 Super Sabre designs for the T-1.
  6. Welcome aboard. As the first to arrive, you have your choice of any seat in the house. 🙂
  7. The cockpit goes together quickly. A dry fit indicates fairly smooth sailing to get this kit together. Now for some interior paint…
  8. The Fuji T-1 is an intermediate jet training plane used by the Japan Air Defence Force (JADF). It was the first plane to be developed in Japan after World War 2. I picked up this kit in my local Hobby Town store on a deep discount. It’s a 2 in 1 kit with parts to build two complete planes the A and B models. The A version is equipped with the British-made Bristol-Orpheus Mark 805 engine while the B model carries the domestic-made IHI-J3 engine. With a low parts count of 49 pieces for each kit and a beautiful decal sheet, this should be a low stress/quick build of two colorful aircraft that are seldom seen or modeled.
  9. I intended to build the T-2C Buckeye next, but I just realized I do not have the all-important "florescent orange" paint color I need to finish it. I want to make sure I have everything in hand before I start the little project, so I will decide on something else to do before the Buckeye. Stay tuned....
  10. Thanks for the kind words gents. I was happy with the Airfix decals. They were a pleasant surprise. In the old days, Airfix decals were notoriously bad. That photo looks very familiar. 🫡
  11. Finished Martin B-26B-55-MA Marauder The Big Hairy Bird, 599th Bombardment Squadron, 397th Bombardment Group, 9th Air Force United States Army Air Force, England 1944/45
  12. I have a good selection of Tamiya masking tape in various widths; 1mm, 6mm, 10mm, 18mm, and up. Something weird I realized working on this model, all sizes are of consistent quality/characteristics except for the 18mm width tape. That size has more adhesive which caused a residue to remain on the surface of my model after I removed it. I was able to remove the residue with IP alcohol, but that would have been a big problem on acrylic paint. Fortunate for me, I was using lacquer and the alcohol did not hurt the paint when I removed the tape residue. Make sure your roll of 18mm Tamiya tape (if you have it) isn't 'extra-sticky' before you use it or you could wind up with a screwed-up paint job. Maybe this was just a one-off roll.
  13. Nearing completion, I forgot to place nose weight inside the fuselage before I glued it all together. Too late now, so I will add a post on the tail to make her sit on all three legs. Also I lost the nose machine gun or it was not inside the kit. Don’t really feel like making one so will look in my spares box or do without it altogether.
  14. Low wing drag, high stall speed, low wing area…all these things gave rookie pilots lots of problems
  15. Thanks for the comments. Just wanted to remove this kit from the stash pile. Not one of Airfix best efforts but one of the only 1:72 Marauders around. While I was on the Arma Hobby website yesterday, I saw where a new release of Marauder is coming soon. Looks like a rebox of the Hasegawa kit under another label, but a much nicer kit than this Airfix one.
  16. I can see where this one would definitely be a gamble to get the hull sections joined without losing detail. Beautifully cast (printed?) hull parts. From the comments I read, I presume it's 3D printed resin?
  17. Yes, I see it now. Doesn't seem a big deal though, two pieces split midship. I've been following the threads of a couple of modelers here who pieced together massive 1:48 scale, 3D printed Corvette destroyers with multi section hulls with excellent results
  18. If this hull is multi-sectional, I sure couldn't see it in the photos. Shimakaze, 3D-Wild CY512 (2022) (scalemates.com)
  19. Thanks OC Need to install landing gear and doors before finishing the decals.
  20. Ready for the invasion now that the stripes are painted on. Ready for the decals, too.
  21. Besides a beautiful model (1:200 Shimakaze), I like the fact the company is out of Pennsylvania. Makes it feel a little less of a gamble sending them our hard-earned money. Did you see they are also offering a 1:200 Zao cruiser? Wow!
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