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Everything posted by Script

  1. John, Thanks! I am hoping to have a place to do some work starting next week when we move into the in-law's house....wish me luck.... Cheers, Jim
  2. The cotton bales in these shots were determined to be too clean by some my friends here.....so I darkened them up and added more bindings.... The revised versions are somewhere.....
  3. The following were from the great anchor debate..... After much research, I could not find a single picture of a riverboat with this type of anchor..... So they were deep sixed.....
  4. More rigging and the copper wire used to chase the lines thru the decks......
  5. Since I'm still not able to continue, I thought I'd just add some of the in-progress pics from last year....seems a long time ago. This series shows the setting of the stacks and some preliminary rigging..... Jim
  6. Sjors, Fine, fine looking ship....you can be proud of your work! Did I notice an ash tray in one of the pictures????? Surely you are not addicted to the demon nicotine....... Anyway, keep up the good work!!! Cheers, Jim
  7. Sjors, Thanks! After I posted the comment, I looked and saw there were only Kings and no Spirits. Since I knew your keen eye would catch the error, I did not edit the post. Nice to know you will keep me from making too many mistakes... Cheers, Jim
  8. Thanks Mick, And welcome aboard! A big difference between the Lee and the Spirit is the scale....at 1/160 it's quite small. There are a number of Spirit build logs here...you probably found them already.... Looking forward to your build log. Part of the fun is the comments, suggestions and just plain baloney that one can share with others during a build. Sad to say I had just cleaned up all my build pics from 2011 before the data loss. The ones I've posted here go only back to 2012. As for the move, we are now moving out of our 'camp site' so the remodeling can start. We will be staying in my in-laws home until it's over. I'm hoping to finish this build there...with a table set up in the garage or somewhere..... Cheers, Jim
  9. John, Interesting paint shop.....just organized enough to work and messy enough to be real. I might have to replace my 'lean it on something dry' method.... Jim
  10. Adrieke, Thanks for the heads up. I think the broken link to my build is now fixed. Keep up the good work! Cheers, Jim
  11. Hi Adrieke, Don't know how I missed your build....guess I should start browsing the forums instead of just the 'my content' section. Sure like the scale much better than the 1/160 I'm currently dealing with. :mellow: But my bride seems to think there is no room for models much larger than the one I'm currently working on....Oh well, as long as magnifiers are available I guess it's okay. Your build is looking great! Too bad about the allergies but I will tell you that mine were miserable in my 20's and 30's and have now just about disappeared. May be one of the few benefits of aging. Cheers Jim
  12. Sjors, I used CA for the hinges...so far they are all okay...... Jim
  13. Sjors, Your ship is looking great! I know it's probably tooo late for my suggestion but I'll say it anyway.....When I did my hatch lines on my HMS Victory bow section, I first used spray starch to stiffen the line before installation. Then I glued the hatches open and attached the stiffened line thru the hole in the planking and fastened it to the hatch. That way, each line looks like it is under tension, holding the hatch up. Maybe yours are working hatches.....Anyway, I know they will look fine, just wanted to document my method in case I forget. There may be a day when I build something with rigging and hatches again..... Cheers, Jim
  14. Anja, Nice pics! Good to see you are able to make some progress..... How did your ship get damaged? Did Sjor's huge cannon carrier roll over on it? Cheers, Jim
  15. Thanks Andy, Yes, steam drive was invented prior to the Rocket..... On another note, the mill I worked in had a steam driven shear that could cut 24" x 24" hot steel blooms. The diameter of the ram was 20" and the steam accumulator was 60"....it was operated by pushing a long lever to slowly release the steam pressure into the ram. Quite noisy and very interesting. Somewhere on the casing was a build date in the 1890's by Mesta Machine, I seem to remember. John, Thanks.....as you know, we wouldn't be doing this if it wasn't fun! Grant, Thanks for the look in....seems you've been gone for a while..glad you're back! As for other build sites, I'll keep that in mind....this is a great site, just made my contribution. It sure won't be as much fun to build the stagecoach without the input and banter that one finds here....Oh well..... Cheers, Jim
  16. Andy...... The best arbitrator is prepared for anything..... :D
  17. Sjors, Nice pic! But I'd be a little concerned about balance with so many cannon on such a small hull section...14!!!! Imagine a roller hitting the side and all the cannonballs rolling the same way. The brass monkeys would be hurting..... Cheers, Jim
  18. Mobbsie, Great progress.... And don't forget that I'm still availabe as arbitrator if things start to get dicey....I saw a recent pic somewhere that had 14 cannon on a very small section of hull......and I'm not sure if it was an ally of yours..... Cheers, Jim
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