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Everything posted by Script

  1. John, Looking Fine! The closer one gets to the end of a fun project, the slower one seems to go.....don't want it to be over.. But take heart, the next one will be even more fun!!! :D Cheers, Jim
  2. Anja, Welcome back! Nice of you to drag Sjors along as well.......... :D :D Cheers, Jim
  3. Andy, Looking fine! Excellent close -ups...... Your anti-fuzzy treatment sounds intriguing. I've had problems with beeswax too. Cheers, Jim
  4. Carl, Adrieke, Way back in the early 'Windows' days I started a taste test of only imported beers to learn how to use a database program. That's when I had the DT's. :D . Also had a number of Lambics.....going to try and find my list. I recall one....as I was pouring, a number of chunks of something came out of the bottle....didn't bother to taste it so it missed the list.... Cheers, Jim
  5. Sherry, Was that a beer glass or a wine glass that was dangling? I assume it was empty?.... Cheers, Jim
  6. Adrieke, I do like some of your beers..... It's just that after one or two in succession, they all taste the same (Hic! ) to me...... Are you familiar with Delerium Tremens? The beer, not the condition...... :D :D I believe it was from Belgium....I got it in a store in Ann Arbor... Guess I got in on the beer talk after all........my favorites are generally wheat beers.... Cheers, Jim
  7. Adrieke, Coming along nicely! I'll refrain from joining the beer discussion..... My experience is that the second and third beers all taste the same no matter what the first one was....... :D Cheers, Jim
  8. Andy, Looking good. Gonna be interesting to see what you do with the leeches and bunts..... I understand that if you put salt on the leeches they will fall off, so be careful.... Cheers, Jim
  9. Nice looking steamboat, John! Not sure about the towel it's resting on....... :D :D Cheers, Jim
  10. Adrieke, Coming along nicely! When are you going to test the lighting? I expect it will look neat! Cheers, Jim
  11. John, Looks great! Since my kit came with paper flags and pennants, I chose not to put any on..... Either way, yours will look fine! Cheers, Jim
  12. Looking real good, John, Can't wait to see what little people on the decks will add to the realism...... Cheers, Jim
  13. Anja, :D :D :D :D :D :D :D I am certain you have a lot of fun on your visits! Cheers, Jim
  14. Wanted to be the first to cheer your return to the San Il...... But first you and Anja enjoy the vacation! Cheers, Jim
  15. Jared, Looking good....it's starting to take shape.....looking forward to pictures of assemblies installed on the hull! Cheers, Jim
  16. Sjors, Looking Great! But doesn't rigging and taking pictures get in the way?.......... :D :D Cheers, Jim
  17. Adrieke, John, Are either of you going to install screen doors? It can get hot on the Mississippi in the summer and it does not appear you have air conditioning..... :D Cheers, Jim
  18. Jared, Coming along nicely! I'm amazed at how organized you are....seems like the only time I get organized is when I lose track of some tool or part and have to put everything away to find it! Cheers, Jim
  19. Andy, Looks Good! I'll bet even the pain of mast making beats the alternative.......work!..... Cheers, Jim
  20. Sjors, You are my daily entertainment.... Even if you are not posting pictures, you keep things interesting... Cheers, Jim
  21. Adrieke, Good progress! And the door swing issue is interesting. Many years ago my wife and I built a house..... and since we're both left handed we had the doors hinged in the ways that made most sense to us.... :D Confused many of our right handed friends. As for prepping wood surfaces to paint, I have a tack rag that is the last thing I use.....seems to pick up most of the fine dust with no introduced moisture that would tend to raise the grain. Cheers, Jim
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