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Everything posted by Script

  1. Mobbsie, Fine work! Don't you wish you had a few more rows to do???? Cheers, Jim
  2. Does anyone know where I can find the site about ship modeling? I think it's called MSW 2 or something like that. I think that is where build logs are posted and pictures of ships can be found...... :P :P :D :D :D :D It seems I've lost my way..... Jim
  3. Sjors, Looks like it will work fine......is this the beginning of scratch building??? :D Way beyond my capabilities.... Jim
  4. Sjors, It will look fine when you finish it! Jim
  5. Suzanne, My condolences to you and all the family. John will be missed but not forgotten..... Regards, Jim
  6. In the interests of fairness, Mark is correct.......my bad.... Sorry for that Mark! The origin of the nuts was Wayne........... Jim
  7. Sjors, Until Mark mentioned them on another log.......ahem.....there were no nuts being tossed around. You are a victim of spurious misinformation! :huh: Jim
  8. Sjors, Great paint work. Try to keep the peanut shells away from it until the paint dries..... Jim
  9. Anja, Thanks. This is my second solid hull....I did a version of the America way back in the Stone Age..... Sjors, Glad to see you will provide some catering.... And a spare sofa is also welcomed....I have no place to take a nap in my little work space..... I am also extremely glad you are handling clean up duties..... :P Andy, I do appreciate your helping guide Sjors in his tasks.... ...he does tend to get distracted...... :D :D Jim An
  10. Thanks Mark, I'll take mine straight up....... Famous Grouse would be okay if you bring blended..... So for some pics..... Solid hull craft are not easier...just different... :mellow: Until you've spent the time to finish a hull to size by sanding you haven't lived!! I spent the better part of today doing such...almost as much fun as coppering.... If you look back at the previous pics, you'll see the difference.....I hope....... And my guess is another week to get close to finish shape. My new plan is to not do any painting, just stain. Not sure how that will work or look........... Jim.
  11. Mobbsie, Good start.....before you know it you'll be half done..... :D :D And it will seem like you just started...... :P Jim
  12. Andy, Keith, Wayne....thanks for the comments..... ....I think....... Sure, throw the peanut shells on the floor and the gnome can clean 'em up..... So who is the gnome and how do they know when to start sweeping? Jim
  13. Wayne, Keith, Thanks for stopping by. I'm not sure about the Sjors Jr......since I am his elder... But I am flattered to be mentioned in the same sentence as such an important and impressive character! No popcorn.....my facility is quite limited. Keith, I was aware that Southern Illinois is mine country. Thought it was bituminous though..... My grandfather passed away at the young age of 74....he never did show any signs of black lung but I'm sure all those years of chewing tobacco did not help with his health....or maybe it did. You remind me of a story my mother told my brother and I. She said that when she was a little girl, every Saturday night she had to walk up to Katch's bar or to the American Hose Company and fetch gramps...her dad. The big recreation for the miners....aside from turkey shoots and such was hanging out at the bars or fire company bars on Saturday night. She said she always led him home happy.....he never drank during the week. Jim
  14. This is going to be my first attempt at a Sjors.... What is a Sjors, you wonder??? It means starting a second project before the first one is finished! The reason I chose this ship is personally historical. The Lackawanna was used to deliver anthracite coal to markets along the east coast. It was painted white to demonstrate the clean burning characteristics of 'hard' coal. My grandfather, Ted Meehan, was a coal miner for the Colonial Coal Company of Natalie, Pennsylvania. Many of my fondest memories involve his taking me and my brother picking blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. and just hiking in the mountains surrounding the town, Mount Carmel. It wasn't until years later I became educated about the miners life. Spending every day in the dark, inhaling coal dust and not being sure if you'd make it out of the mine. He had no known connection to the Molly Maguires but it was a very active group in the area..... The industry has completely changed, with very few deep mines. Now the practice is to strip the tops off the veins and then use power equipment to dig it out. In addition, other than for a few power plants there is very little demand for the product. But who knows...... So here are the first pics of my new project. The there are only two 'drawings' and a printed manual with only a few pictures.... Going to be a lot of guesswork....and resulting erors... But it will still be fun. So I found my old scout knife and rough trimmed the hull........I can't wait to start sanding...NOT... Jim
  15. Yes Sir! Fire One! Doesn't the "F" mean fire????? (Remember The Bedford Incident ?) Jim
  16. Mobbsie, Excellent work! I think I'd rather watch fly overs than copper too...... How does one arrange such events? :D :D Cheers, Jim
  17. Sjors, I leave for a couple days and completely lose track of what's going on.... :huh: I read the last couple pages twice now and am still at a loss. Perhaps it is written in Dutch???? :D It appears there may be an attempt to gang up on you...... Should I get my mortar out of mothballs? Hmmmm...mothballs...might make good cannon balls. Cheers, Jim
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