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Everything posted by mikeaidanh

  1. For past and present HMS Pickle builders. My wife, Carole, visited Madron church near Penzance in Cornwall recently and came across these images. I imagine this information is already common knowledge but just in case it isn't........... Photography was difficult in the church hence the rather poor quality of the images.
  2. Add me to the list of those on their second read. I wonder if others, like me, have found the second reading more enjoyable than the first? I am finding more detail than before and being in no hurry to turn the page I can dwell on any aspect of a story that takes my fancy. The canon has been my constant companion for the last two years and I cannot imagine I shall ever tire of it. I give you joy, Mike.
  3. Thanks again. The assumptions were made in very bad ex Italian English to further cloud the issues. I mean no offence to the Italian nation! Mike.
  4. Ah, I see! Pre bent and edge glued. Now why did the instructions not mention that? I had sort of assumed that something like that must take place but without your confirmation that would have been a leap of faith beyond my present level of experience. Thank you druxey and Jersey City Frankie for your help. Mike.
  5. Thanks for that mathewp, Masking tape sounds good as it removes the need to de-wax the "frames" when re-inserting them. I was so confused about this whole issue that I started a new topic in Building, Framing and Planking! Mike.
  6. Thank you druxey. I will go ahead with your advice. I think that part of my problem is with the whole concept of triple planking; what sticks to which and when! It appears to me that where the first planking is inhibited by the wax it will simply depend on it's own rigidity to stay put. I imagine that once I begin to add the second planking all will be revealed and, at that point, I will have learned something new. If there is anything else you think I ought to know about this please tell me. Many thanks, Mike.
  7. Panart armed pinnace. I am instructed to use wax on "frames" that are to be removed after planking, modified and then replaced. I am having trouble understanding the process here. Do I glue the planks as normal allowing the wax barrier to prevent adhesion to the "frames" or is there something else that I am missing? I have been advised to use beeswax. How liberally does this need to be applied. is it put on cold or brushed on in its liquid state? I have tried to think this through but the whole process seems odd to me. I know it must work as this model has been built successfully before. I am probably being a bit thick and could do with a kick up the bum.....or some advice. Thanks in advance, Mike.
  8. There would appear to be a new naval battle going on here!
  9. I am about to start this build in an attempt to de emphasise the amount of work, and in particular repetitive work, that lies ahead for me in building my HMS Surprise. In the very early stages I am told to apply candle wax to former edges to prevent adhesion whilst laying the planking. This is necessary as the formers must be removed and modified afterwards and the new sections replaced and glued in. Two questions: Is candle wax the best medium for this work and do i need to edge glue the planks? The model is triple planked in, firstly, 1mm x 7mm Walnut then 1mm x 6mm Lime wood and, lastly, 1mm x 6mm Walnut. Once I have some work to show off I will post photographs and comments. If anyone has a build log for this model I would love to see it. In advance....my thanks for any comments or suggestions. Mike.
  10. Excellent! Just downloaded the iPhone App. Many thanks Kevin. Mike.
  11. Thanks Kip, I think my mind is made up now and i will opt for the Panart model as discussed. I am away from home for a couple of weeks from tomorrow and will know for sure when I return. My thanks to you, and all others who responded, for your helpful suggestions. Mike.
  12. jbford, Thank you for your reply and sorry for the delay in responding. At present I am mostly interested in naval vessels but I agree that your suggestion looks like a good build. Mike.
  13. Bob, Sorry not to reply sooner, I have been away from home. Thank you for your suggestion of the Panart armed pinnace. I had not looked at this but I agree that it is very interesting and I think this may have gone top of my possibles list. As to the instructions can they be worse than those for the Artisana Latina HMS Surprise kit? Mike.
  14. Hello Cristiano, Thank you for that. I will put it on the list of possibles. Mike.
  15. Cheers Jan, I will look into that. Mike. Ps. I have contacted them by email to see if they can deliver. They have the item that interests me. Thanks again, Mike
  16. Thank you Sarah, I take your point re Model Slipway shipping costs and I will try to find a cheaper method. Thank you, both of you, for your advice. I will be away from home for most of the next 30 days but will mull it over and decide when i return. Mike.
  17. Thanks Jarero, I am looking at your suggestions but would need a UK / Europe supplier I think due to the shipping charges from the USA. In addition to my initial question does anyone have views on the AL HMS Bounty Jolly Boat kit? Mike.
  18. I would like some advice please. I want to build a small vessel, say a ship's long boat or launch, at a scale of around 25:1. Are there any kits that are recommendable? If there are are they reasonably accurate from a historic perspective and are the build instructions of a good standard? Mike.
  19. Hi Bob, The templates are card stock. IPA is Isopropyl Alchohol. You have given me an idea though. If we combine your !PA with mine then when mine is curing the cock up yours can be soothing the fevered brow. Recipe for success........or another cock up. Mike.
  20. Back again and planking. I have been interrupted by all and sundry and this and that but now able to put a few days work in. I have almost completed laying my gun deck planking after a second start and have reached the stage of cutting into my margin planks. I will post again when this is completed and add some images. onwards and upwards!
  21. Jay, Thank you for that fine piece of advice. I must confess that it had not occurred to me. Mike.
  22. Michiel, In the UK from Maplin or Radio Spares (cheaper). Maplin. Yellow 3mm 5v £0.74 each...3mm 12v £0.74 each....5mm 12v £0.84 Radio Spares. 5v and 12v are the same price. 3mm yellow at £0.88 per pack of 5 plus VAT plus postage. ( to me in the UK the total for say 10 x 3mm yellow would = £8.05 delivered......postage = half of the total so buying in bulk is a good idea! ) The Radio Spares part number for 5v 3mm yellow = L934YD-5V
  23. Look for LEDs with integral resistors, available in both 5v and 12v flavours, and save yourselves some work.
  24. B.E. Many thanks again for your help. I will start again on my deck once I have obtained some better timber from that treasure house that you directed me to. Mike.
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