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Everything posted by Michiel

  1. Thanks Guys, Hopefully I'll get to building a bit again soon. So verrryyy tooooo bussy with the final home improvement projects and work. Cheers, Michiel
  2. Thanks, I'm finishing the 3 remaining 24 pound guns. I'll take more pictures in between and post the full story later. Best, Michiel
  3. Just a bit more finetuning and pictures taken in my new photo box This is what my final guns are going to look like
  4. During the vacation I did some carving on the figurehead... The tail of the lion curls through the next piece. This is the first version I made long ago, when I still though one should use soft wood for carving Best, Michiel
  5. thank Mark, Hopefully there'll be some building now as well. I finished most of the hard core renovation now, last windows replaced roof isolated etc. next big things need some saving now ;-)
  6. Finally, about a year after our move I managed to get the workshop back in place one workbench for ships and one, with buildin power outlets for working on parts At the moment I'm working on the bow, the first few pieces: Best, Michiel
  7. Due to a move and all the renovation that came with it it has been quite some time. Most of the equipment is still packed and the ship itself stored away. But finally I allowed myself some time to do some work on her. These are two figurines that sit on the outside next to the previous set. Still a bit in a rough unfinished phase but the basic shape starts to appear.
  8. Hy guys (m/f), I started discussing this in the LED topic, but it's quite a bit bigger. So it may need its own topic. For those of you that have some pastry in mind, it's not: The RaspberryPi is a full pc for 25-35 dollars of creditcard size with a series of ports to connect to the outside world. With these can be extended to stear close to a thousand engines leds sensors relais, ... here's the only modelship example I could find, just to give an idea: http://www.instructables.com/id/Making-an-autonomous-boat-with-a-Raspberry-Pi-a-/ So what do you think?
  9. I would really considder the RaspberryPi effectively you have a full pc for 25 dollars.: that row of pins are the GeneralPurposeInputOutput (GPIO) ports. Via those you can stear led motors relais.... tons of python libraries to program in. Especially if you're doing a modern war schip the posibilities are endless. step engines on the main turrets, on the radar. all kind of light patterns. And the best add a wifi dongle and write a little app and you can stear it all from a webbrouwser
  10. Thanks, We moved a few months ago. There are still many things to do including settting my workshop up again :-(
  11. Thanks It's the prins willem the link is below : current: prins willem If I would do it again I would probably just put a raspberry pi in the hull somewhere, connect a speaker for sound effects and use the gpio ports for stearing the leds, some step engines,... . A dymic lighting system would be trivial, day night ... possibilities are endless by the way what are you building Karen? I can only encourage you to open your own log.. Best, Michiel
  12. Thanks, I hope to show some progress again soon. We moved a few months ago and the admiral only lets me setup my new workshop once I finish some other renovations to the house... Best, Michiel
  13. Thanks, The treenails on the inside are cocktail prickers indeed, on the outside they are chestnut thorns, colors better with the cherry. The caulking is done with charcoal. Gently rub the side of the planks agains a piece. The effect however only comes out nicely by finishing of with danish oil. Even if by sanding the opening between two planks gets filled oiling makes it clean again and brings out the black. I've tried with melting plastic wire of different types, never really got the effect I was hoping for.... Best, Michiel
  14. Hi guys (m/f) ;-) The finished setup: on the sides there will be two more pieces of carving.. Best, Michiel
  15. Thanks guys, Finally I found some time to work a bit, jus a little update but still a serious about of hours... Two faces to go...
  16. Very nice movie, can't wait to see those ors moving...
  17. very nice idee, those faces. It;s comming along nicely you carving
  18. thanks a lot guys, I do agree a bit that the single pieces may look better unpainted. I'm however trying to reproduce the total look and feel of the, brightly painted, original ship. I prefer that over a more stylized version without paint. Best, Michiel
  19. nice details, I use overhead sheets for windows. Just print the pattern you like on it, you can even stain the 'glass' with a bit of color. The printed layer of ink even lies slightly onto of the foil... Michiel
  20. rest assured, funny translations don't make you words less appreciated, Best, Michiel
  21. That was a completely new challenge in ship building for me. Painting the city view on the hollow bottom section of the rear of the ship: The next step will be finishing the four figurines that will come on top. A lot of carving there.. Best, Michiel
  22. with the top of the rear carving complete I now continue with the lowest part: It will contain a picture of a city view and four carved support knies. (a photo of the original is posted a few posts back) the progress so far: Best, Michiel
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