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Everything posted by Michiel

  1. It should be, but if there are problems please let me know, than I'll put it here as well.
  2. Here's the finale version: For those interested here: http://www.modelships-beagle.eu/smf/index.php/topic,960.msg56442.html#msg56442 is a full track of the carving Have fun,
  3. Hi Guys, Here's some details of the carvings, still some decisions to make but I'm closing in on the final result: for scale refference: The signil in the middel, it;s he one of Middelburg where the original was build I finally decided that the things they are holding must be shells of some sort: Have fun, Michiel
  4. oh no, That are some more photo's of the original model build in 1651. The original has a removable rear piece, the one you see laying on the last picture. Best, Michiel
  5. most of the carvings of the cabin are already done, only the door on starboard needs to be completed. Jean is doing a full scratch, boris finished a ex prinswillem, and recently there was a new guy announcing to be starting the kit as well... Best, Michiel
  6. Thanks, The most important talent is to know how to keep your tools sharp... learned that the hard way
  7. It takes a while until pan and hook turn up, season three is situated almost half of the episodes in neverland.
  8. you should have a look at once upon a time, in reality peter pan is much more creepy than you can imagine . A lot of Jolly Rodger in that series. Best, Michiel
  9. I have this strange world view that every body know this ship since I'm mostly posing on a rather small forum where 5 people are building it. For those that don't this is a picture of the original model, showing what I am trying to achieve. Best, Michiel
  10. Thank for the appreciation ladies and gentlemen, It is the most challenging carving up to now, all the previous stuff was mostly cutting a bit of relief into a 2d picture, real 3d is a lot harder.. Best, Michiel
  11. nice, did you also considder the packed version of the sails?
  12. Hi guys, Here's a new carving sub project I started. For the fun of it I keep track of the process here's the first set of pictures: More later, Best, Michiel
  13. Yet another bit of carving.. (that's a half a mm tip pencil on the back and a 1 euro cent piece) this is the decoration for one of the arched ports at the back. she has so many decorative work, that I just keep making pieces as I go along, in order to mix the jobs a bit Best, Michiel
  14. just another question about your casting. Why the solder tin? because of the melting temperature? I'm also planning to cast my barrels... Thanks, Michiel
  15. Thanks for the contribution guys, at least now the question is reduced to wether the pw had bronze or iron guns, not clear at the moment. for now I'll assume bronze. here's my first attempt at carving them: I assume that by leaving the opening closed by a thin wall, so that the silicone will not completely encircle the handles I will actually be able to cast them... If someone as has a reason to beleave other wise please let me know ;-) Best, Michiel
  16. the other ones are most likely not ship guns indeed, they're 40-42 pounders…
  17. thanks, it surely does I think I can at least find out wether the guns on the PW were bronze or iron… her being mid 17th century I think that well enable me to make a decision. Best, Michiel
  18. thanks Mark, that makes sense, at least I don't know any exceptions to that rule… could it be a casting issue? maybe casting iron does not, at least with the 17th century technology, allow for too much detail? Michiel
  19. I decided, mainly based on the excellent examples I've seen here to cast the gun barrels from Tin using silicon moulds. with this I also decided that I should than also add all the details. This brings me to the dolphin shaped handles on top. Some barrels have them some don't. The books on the seven provincien all feature them. However all the barrels I know from my birth town Vlissingen, like these: don't but than again: these does to make it more complicated the drawings from the Adelaar wreck: show them only on the 6 pounder... So I'm trying to decide wether the barrels that have been present on the Prins Willem would have had them and other decoration, or if they would have been as smooth as some of the barrels above. If any of you has some deep insights please enlighten me…. Best, Michiel (ps the original PW model did not have guns, at least they did not survive…. )
  20. Last weekend I made some more progress on the guns for the main dek: Fabrication of the axes: A final sanding and painting of the rolpaarden: Mounting the axes and a first dry fit: they seem to line up at the correct hight, I've seen the go wrong in a lot of first scratch builds... Now there is still a whole bunch of fittings to be made. And casting the barrels. Have fun, Michiel
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