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Everything posted by Michiel

  1. Hi guys (m/f) ;-) thanks for all the likes In the meanwhile I also finished the gun port lids on starboard: Since the top and bottom of the ports are, closes to, parallel to the deck but the sides orthogonal to the water line they are all slightly different.... As you can see on this picture as well I'm also in the process of putting the bolds in. they will all take 14 pieces of fittings, I'm about half way making those. Mainly the hinges is taking some serious time. Have fun, Michiel
  2. I guess we should start thinking about a way to use all that dust ;-) nice progress Mark
  3. very neat, looking forward to see more
  4. And some more detials for the gun deck A bilge pump: and the last four lanterns: Best, Michiel
  5. By the way, what is your scale? I can't find it maybe you can even put it in the title..
  6. well slowly?? :mellow: I think you're making a very decent pass here. Nice work, Michiel
  7. thanks for the nice words, @ michael, yes its some for of box wood. I got it from a college builder in the Netherlands… , not the high quality I bought once in a wood shop in Arnhem, there is some deviations in the colors but it really machines superb. Clearly if the was a creator of the universe he was not into model ship building else there would be only one type of three's Best, Michiel
  8. Hi guys, I've been a bit bussy with other thing lately, and wenn I was building it was mainly replicating stuff on starboard that were already done on port, damm symmetry Anyhow, I took some leave from that and made some details. For the interior: a doorway from the cabin to the side. (for the reference the planking is 5mm wide) And some more lanterns for the gun deck: Best, Michiel
  9. don't be to sad, my 8 year old son is almost completely non interested, my 6 year old daughter on the other side... already a year ago, but now she is already building herself a bit..
  10. In the meanwhile most cariages have been put together and all wheels are turned: here's one with some tests of fittings seen through a gun port standing on the main hatch: and the view in front of the gunport: Best, Michiel
  11. hell that's some very cool guns you made there, well we would not have expected less ;-)
  12. Hi Mark, I was a bit busy lately so I only now noticed your decision. A brave one indeed. All the best with 2.0 I'll keep watching from a distance ;-) Best, Michiel
  13. Some weeks ago I started working on the guns for the main deck. Here's short impression of the progress and methods. As for the wheels, I have been trying for a while to find a satisfactory way to have them both round, centered, and 'ringed'. Here's what I came up with after some experimenting: I guess the images speak for themselves, If not please feel free to ask any question. They are made of pear, 3mm axis, 6mm ring, 8mm total diameter Best, Michiel
  14. I also just found you log, Very nice indeed, looking forward to seeing more
  15. my most scaring job until now was drilling the holes for the treenails on the places where just behind the planking the wiring for the lights was running..
  16. thanks Mark, You know in this period in The Netherlands they actually made the timber and planking first and than chopped the gun ports out... at the upper deck level the ports are round on this ship, haven a decoration around them like this one: Best, Michiel
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