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Everything posted by Baker

  1. Thank you very much. And yes, the trick with the angle grinder was indeed a little scary for me too 😇😉
  2. Welcome on the start of what will become a long build log of the Mary Rose. The idea is to build this model like on the cover of the book "Mary Rose, Your Noblest Shippe" HISTORY (Wikipedia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mary_Rose MUSEUM https://maryrose.org/the-history-of-the-mary-rose/ BOOKS INDEX Frames (bulkheads) Design Building slip and align the frames Fillerblocks Planking Keel and lower hull planking Planking between wale 1 and 3 Treenails Waist an bow Rear castle Build up Cannon deck Basis Base plate Started sawing wood at the beginning of last year (cherry) Books have been bought and partially read. The frames have been enlarged with a printer to a scale of approximately 1/48 - 1/50. I first wanted to build on a scale of 1/45 (like my Pelican). After an initial investigation whether I have room for a fully finished model on that scale, it will be a scale of 1/50. 1/45 will be too big to fit in the closet. The first step is drawing out the frames on paper (3D designing and printing is not my thing, drawing, sawing, filing, sanding and making dust is). To be continued
  3. The finished model. Thanks to everyone for the following, likes and positive comments throughout this long build This was my first time building a ship model from scratch. It was fun, and worth repeating.
  4. Thanks, Next thing to do is find my camera, charge the batteries and take better pictures.
  5. Nice first model. And welcome to MSW
  6. And good luck with the Bounty.
  7. Thanks for likes and comments. Flags At first sight a successful experiment the tissue paper is taped to the standard printing paper. And came out of the printer without getting stuck. The tissue has been cut loose the flags are glued together and somewhat wrinkled. after drying overnight. Now attach these to the masts. I'm going to follow this method, it's the most common. from the book "Prins Willem" of Herman Ketting. And this man probably knew more about ships than I do. Thanks for following
  8. flags, further experiments. Based on a great idea from 72Nova (post 164) Today I managed to attach tissue paper to plain paper and print it on the work printer. Flags can be printed on the front and back of the (standard) printing paper. Or just on one side to be glued together. Excel is free to use vlaggen.xlsx @72Nova Thanks for the idea
  9. Finishing the third bus Ready for painting Standard painting and weathering ready Baker's bus company 😉 And the Olpympia is ready for painting
  10. And the same method on the Batavia replica https://www.modelships.de/Museums_and_replicas/Batavia/Photos_Batavia.htm Is just an idea. These holes may have served to tow the long boat See https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Anthony_Roll/Second_roll
  11. The flags First some research, the "what did they look like and where to place them" Design. The only things I can handle a bit on a computer are Word and Excell. So I made design in excell. These are printed on the printer at work. I can print them there at in one time with front and back. The alignment took a while (paper, ink and labor at the boss's expense 😇.) It is a pity that this printer only accepts paper. This excel file will be posted next week at work
  12. Anchor cables, 2nd edition The old anchor cables have been cut off and hidden in the hole. The 2nd edition looks better than the first to me. 2 anchor buoys have been made. Like the other anchor accessories, they still have to be stored in the hold.
  13. Thanks for comments and likes. The stove has a chimney A well-organized crew always carries some extra supplies for emergencies. Doors and wheels The little Olympia starts to take shape
  14. Thanks OC. The anchor cable : part 2. or better, plan B Looking in my Mary Rose books I found this. Thinner cables are ok 👍 And ... Cotton rope of a reasonably correct diameter This flexible thinner rope gives me the opportunity to do this way of tying Testing. Still needs to be treated and wheatered. Looks better to me.
  15. The interior is painted Glueing the body on the chassis After adjusting the body parts for the open doors nothing seems to fit anymore... The side that needed to be adjusted had an little accident... After a few troublesome moments, the body is ready The engine hood is mounted (with one side open) And i started a small simple Opel. The Olympia from Ace Models a quote to myself: building the small little Opel won't be that simple 😉
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