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Everything posted by Baker

  1. After a day of sanding in the sun, the lower part of the hull is sanded. Also the keel and stem are tapered. All the screws holding Mary Rose upside down have been removed. And i gave her a cleaning with compressed air. The keel is tapered using the cross-sectional drawings. A bit straighter than the original... Since there is little left of the stem. it was a bit of free interpretation. And Mary Rose landed on her feet (oops, keel). Now the build slip needs to be adjusted before continuing Thanks for following, likes and comments.
  2. once more, thanks everyone for the comments, likes and visiting 👍
  3. craftsmanship. beautiful work Ondras.
  4. And good luck with this project
  5. you can find everything in these databases https://thenrg.org/resource/articles
  6. The planking of the lower hull part is ready. This morning everything is made ready for sanding and scraping. In the meantime I did the garden, washed the cars and did other small jobs (the regular Saturday work..) result. am quite happy with this special plank at the stern. Now there is first a "quality check". Then the sanding is continued and the keel will be tapered. Thanks for comments, likes or just visiting this build, this is very much appreciated.
  7. Happy birthday Ferrus 🥳 Sad news, your covid infection 👎. Get well soon.
  8. congratulations Charles Very nicely done
  9. freely of your choice. After research I decided not to put a flagpole. Most drawings and especially sketches of ships from this era were made years later and are not really representative. Of course, free choice, if you do put one on it. No one can say you are wrong 😉
  10. very neat cannons Considering these wrought iron cannons were rear loaded. They sure aren't too long. On the contrary, they seem to be just the right length. And you can also mix shorter versions with this length. At that time there was no standardization whatsoever. The_Arming_of_Late_16th_century_Merchant.pdf
  11. I changed my name once and the links continued to work correctly. Your username in the titles of your post will not change. Then I had to change them all separately, one by one.
  12. Small planking update. With the experience already gained, much less has to be calculated and noted on the fillerblocks. The dimensions of the other side are simply taken over on this side. about half way
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