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Everything posted by Baker

  1. If you stop your galleon now.Then there is a chance that you will not start again. I would finish this first.
  2. the 70s 80s solution from Heller. the modern solution "a la" John McKay What an "English" method does on a French ship is not clear to me
  3. Here you can find a pdf of the 1977 plans https://www.hismodel.com/soleil-royal-12 fore mast main mast mizzen mast
  4. That's why this build is going so fast. Each morning an early wake up call by supervisor Roland 🤣
  5. Good idea Druxey But, I can't work with copper and brass. I have new artificial lenses in both my eyes (cataract surgery). One of the side effects are halos and after 9 years I still suffer from them. Small shiny objects shine so hard under a lamp that I can't see what I'm doing. Small blackened iron nails are just about to succeed. All other "metal" objects will be made in painted plastic. It is what it is. There was no turning back after the surgery And, me, a military modeller. A little rust here and there...😉
  6. Drill 2 holes and use 2 pieces of cable. nobody will notice this once the model is ready. a hole in the bow where the anchor cable enters the hull. a hole under the windlass where the cable comes "out". I used this trick in my Bounty project (see link in signature)
  7. Tanks for the comments. This is much appreciated 👍 The idea is to apply the iron nails and the treenails.And not to paint the hull white below the waterline. The original MR may have had white stuff below the waterline.But this has never really been investigated. There will be no whipstaff on the tiller in this era.
  8. To everyone who missed the start, welcome. Finishing the planking on this side. One strake has a weird shape to the stern. W.i.p. The last streak One side is done, and received a sanding with 60 grit sandpaper. And not upside down Thanks for following, comments and likes
  9. The model is starting to look nice. The deadeyes with chains are great. Congrats
  10. Do not worry. There will be the fore castle of a carrack. In the version as on the cover of the book.
  11. If I open MSW on a PC I can see the signature at the bottom of each post. When I open MSW on my smartphone, I don't see any signature at the bottom of each post. This applies to my own posts and those of others. Am I doing something wrong or do I need to adjust settings. I've always had this problem, but always forgot to ask if there is a solution
  12. Thaks. You were probably very busy with the Henry 😉 Always welcome Steven. And if you see something wrong, just give a call
  13. Thanks Roger. I knew roughly what it meant. but did not get it worded correctly in the English text .
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