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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Usually very diluted black then grey then a few types of diluted matte green colours till satisfied.
  2. Well the shop sent me the AV-1 upgrade and not the 3! It’s ok as PE goes, I don’t know if POntos could improve on it really as it’s essentially steel girders the rest will come down to the modellers. This is by far the nicest Hull I’ve seen Trumpeter make and it’s not too big compared to the normal carriers
  3. Getting some paint on the deck. The kit has it as fairly smooth but I know there are panels on it so I’ve improvised with the airbrush. Several shades of grey, once nice and dry I’ll do some filters
  4. A couple of shots of Eskimo in her 1944 coat then 1945. You can see the depth charge throwers and racks amidships. I’ve also show a photo of the focsle on a tribal class which shows the flanges (if that’s it) for the chain and smoke pots
  5. The plans have the focsle area with a checker plate and non slip strips. The kit has horribly raised bits and no non slip strips. When I bought the Pontos Marat upgrade to get the torpedo booms for the Borodino, it had lots of little steel strips which I’ve used here. The bits where the chain goes into the hull are little resin upgrades I got on a IJN set but I’ll have to add flywheels later.
  6. Wasn’t happy so I gave them a pink coat (to match OC) and I’m much more satisfied with the outcome.
  7. Lower hull, I’ve done some ribs for Eskimo, then added some grunge as an overcoat.
  8. So I got the airbrush out today. They seem to need to warm up a bit, so black preshading and the bootstrap done then masked over. Next will be the lower hull.
  9. The hawser holes have a lip which was obviously removed when I moved them, and the lip of the hole in the focsle (I’m sure it has a name), both replaced with plastic card. you can see from this late war photo of a damaged bow on a Tribal the lips, and also the 2 smoke pots.
  10. My local hobby shop has very few paints available, and even online there is not a big selection. If I painted with a hairy stick I’d be quite concerned I’d run out.
  11. So you’re seeing double, HMS Eskimo (I’ll do her as a late ‘44) with a different porthole ratio as she lost her bow in 1942.
  12. That’s the cotton from the packing. They’ll get a bath before painting
  13. Didn’t like the bracing so I replaced it with metal. The guns are from Micromaster which came with a second hand HMS Eskimo kit.
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