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Everything posted by RGL

  1. Weathering. Now this is off a naval FB page, this is a 2020 US warship, that is 3 months out of referb, and spent 60 out of 90 days in port. I’d be pretty upset about the quality of the paint. And happily continue to beat up my ships!!!!
  2. Depends, as I’m going to mask the deck after I paint it a dark grey plus weathering I try and break it down as everything on top of the deck is light grey plus oil canning. PE does not like to stick to anything once painted so it’s problematic but as I’ll use the PE railings on this one I’ll paint them on the fret. So I fixed up the transom flap using Tamiya putty and lacquer thinner on my little finger to give a nice smooth finish.
  3. That’s the thing about water, the sun and clouds make all the difference in one quick second, it’s so hard to make the perfect water colour
  4. The main mast (dryfit), there is probably about the same amount again of detail to go on this piece.
  5. Starting on the bridge superstructure, there is an enormous amount of detail to go but I’ll need to paint if first and add the PE extras afterwards painted off ship . Some of the most detailed features I’ve seen so far on a Trumpy model.
  6. He used to work for Pontos, went out alone. It a strange balance as Micromaster stuff is so damn good but no construction involved so it comes down to how good you can airbrush and weather so it’s not building. (If you design and print your own, Kudos!) theres a handful of world class modellers in this scale online (mostly on Facebook) of which @Koppalakki is right up there with the absolute best like the blokes in the scratch build forum are to us mortals. His Yamato started me on on weathering. I just detest the formats required by some of the other formats needing picture hosting sites which have robbed the world of so much research
  7. So, about 40 pieces each on each of the harpoons, some life raft canisters Other bits, like a ladder, refueling. I wanted to get this section done is it leaves one page of instructions done.
  8. I imagine If you had a torpedo chasing you our lady of blessed acceleration would be called upon
  9. I’ll get to it, it going to need some building up with putty by the look of it. I thought I’d get some little bits of PE done, the RHIB’s
  10. So, it’s called a Transom flap for increasing top speeds and reducing stern flumes. First used 2004.
  11. I can see she has the 3D radar and the stern dog collar for hawsers which are not on The earlier photos.
  12. Thanks, it’s difficult to mail down a year for her in this format, you seem to be all over it. no biggie to add the bit at the back, and the Infini upgrade is amazingly good, I think I’d just need the 3d radar and I could modernise her. She has lovely lines
  13. There is an upgrade / modernisation set coming from Atlantic models which includes the 3D radar and upgraded missile but probably not worth the $100 it would cost to modernise it. I’ll stick with the pre version. I won a Zestorer Z25 on the Ebays for $30 (that’s like $15 US) and I’d rather get the Flyhawk for that.
  14. I read on another build it is a extension or lip at the stern that impoves flow. I was aware of it and you’ve probably just guilted me into adding it. on a side note, his still from a u tube video shows the welds and oil canning
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