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Everything posted by RGL

  1. So the Hull is together, the stern area is frustrating as it breaks up the run of the deck. This little area I think is for a towed array but nothing will be visible when the PE goes in. you can see this Type 23 is nicely weathered!
  2. I’m planning on an Ark Royal as it has been reissued, but probably not till next year as my aircon died this week and I live on the hottest place on earth (it was 36 yesterday and it’s spring) my new one gets installed next week. So next year then.
  3. Mate, we don’t mention the cost, ever, should someone somehow stumble across it. Sshhh. My next major build will probably cost a Bomb but the secret is to do it in stages so she never knows the real cost.
  4. The more I think of it, once you get the woods deck down it won’t matter, there is a plate that sits at the front anyways.
  5. The catapault replacement is a killer, took me a few days. I suggest you get some super thin plastic card perhaps?
  6. So part 2 of the HMS Kent build. The modern one. It won’t be in its most current configuration as the Radar is not available. The Infini upgrade set is as usual absolutely excellent. tje nice thing about a modern ship is there is a lot of photos open source on Facebook.
  7. The top of the hangar deck seems to change over the years. Need to figure that but out. Lots of really good high definition photos on the internet of her though.
  8. Probably that the Hull came out the way I wanted. I saw a CGI mock up of her on World or Warships (not interested in the game, but the computer work is good), and as usual I’m less than impressed with the Eduard photoetch compared to what Pontos etc etc do.
  9. And I’m done! I’ll add some photos to the gallery. Off to the digital graveyard FullSizeRender.mov IMG_4567.MOV
  10. So, hours of work and I got half the main deck done with railings. RN ships have three Rails, can’t even see them from a distance but still to me more accurate than the Pe ones
  11. I have quite a few diameters of rigging line. Done are so damn tiny you can hardly see them. I just wish they did a grey scale colour or even rust. whilst the 3D printing is perfect it becomes a bit like lego in that you just have to put it on the ship. The only real skill then is painting it properly. eyes don’t have a zoom feature though, and when looked at from a yard away you can’t really tell.
  12. and hot off the printing press from NZ, the final pieces have arrived, some extra depth charges for the rear deck and the high altitude gun director
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