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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Planking still going on. Not so fast , but ok. The planking from the kiel upwards has also started. I assume that another 6 strakes in this direction will bring me up to the end stage and I hope very.near to the last plank... to the correction plank.
  2. @mtaylor you are definitely correct with all of the above. Yes it seems the picture isnt corresponding to the drawing. I tend to believe that popeye2sea was right guessing that is probably "fashion piece". Thank you very much for working on my question.... I though it was all about a very simple answer, which just was beyond my knowledge... it turns up , it is not that case. It sadly remains unanswered 😟 for the time being Christos
  3. @popeye2sea thank you for droping by, here is a picture of a fellow modeler build...there its seems you are right. @BANYAN thanks for the thought... I really dont know. @mtaylor thank you for your effort. ''keeps the whole thing from wobbling''.... sounds reasonable. Have a look at the picture of a fellow builder below.
  4. Thank you gentlemen for joining and trying to help me out. @wefalck Thats frigate Le Concord, French navy, build 1779. Its the gunnwale on the main deck, in front of the opening to the lower boat deck. @Jaager Additionally to the above the cannons are 12 lb cannons Christos
  5. @CabbieThx Cabbie for responding. A brace... ok, but doing what? Christos
  6. Would anyone please be so kind to exhplain whats the function of the that wooden piece comming down to the gunwale? Christos
  7. Planking goes on.... not much trouble since this moment. Monday expecting headaches.... probably... definitely!
  8. @cog its a single and thats the trouble. Still I believe it will be manageable using a few drop planks. Ofcourse the hull at the end is going to be coppered. Still I want the planking to be done correctly. Thank you for commenting. Christos
  9. Gun ports finished. The transom is installed and am ready for the planking of the hull. The instructions of AL show a few very thin planks coming at the bow. Thats something am going to avoid so am not going to follow the instructions.
  10. @Katsumoto thank you dutch friend. Am still waiting to hear your new shipyard plans.... after discovering America! Christos
  11. Gun ports cutting is progressing. It was important to take care that the ports were marked in the right position. The correct height from the cannon deck and ofcourse care was also given not to cut any frame. The cannon deck planks were varnished with a satin matt varnish. The wall's inside planking of the cannon deck is going to follow as soon as all the ports have been cut.
  12. Sehr gutes buch! Gibts auf Deutch und ist erheblich billiger als die englische version. Ich habe es auf deutch. Welcome on board Hoerst Christos🇨🇾 Ps German title:Historische Schiffsmodelle: Das Handbuch für Modellbauer
  13. Thank you Steven for your comment. And I do understand you, by not agreing with this interpretation... actually I have seen in his book, the same one, a bireme and a trireme of which am familiar with and I as well didnt completely agreed with those interpretations, although again official post office stamps were made out of those models. Still -as you said - its always interesting looking other approaches, it can sometimes add to our thoughts and widen our imagination on the models we are working on.
  14. I dont know if am helping or just polluting your log. Please feel free and just say so... if you need me to remove the pictures or to add more. Its a dromon made for the Greek Post Office -now its already a stamp- by a greek modeller.
  15. @cog no on the contrary! It was a joke ofcourse saying I needed psychotherapy because they left😀.
  16. @cog 😂 In the last two weeks I was enjoying the visit of my son and grandson (they live in the UK) and now as they left, it seems good opportunity to change mode through shipbuilding. You see model shipbuilding is an outstanding and enjoyable psychotherapy. 😀
  17. After two weeks the shipyard has open again. Now we go in a quicker tempo. Gunwale completed today. Needs sanding and then cutting the gun ports
  18. @Jaager thank you. Its a wonderful piece of knowledge which I wasnt aware, even that I wasnt aware of😀.
  19. @Gregory & @Jaager thank you very much. You are very informative both of you. I guess thats what am going to do. Look after different Walnut grains. And play a little with stains maybe. @Bob Cleek yes I do have that information. The ship (prototype) its here in the port of Limassol in Cyprus and I have free access to and on it. So first I will take a lot of pictures in combination with the different changes of the light. Though it doesnt look white.... it more looks dark brown. It is very well maintained.Thank for all the helpful knowledge shared with me.
  20. Cant find teak... so please any advise on with what I can replace on my model the teak deck planks and the window frames of the original Malcolm Miller yacht .
  21. Thank you Russ I will check it out. Maybe they can ship me.
  22. Am looking, though unsuccessfully, to buy teak veneer strips of 0.5 mm thickness. Is there another name for it,that is beyond my knowledge?
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