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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. Fine done! Wax its a very good material used as you described above. It also helps the rope to tied steady. And its nice if after you wax the rope,you pass it over a candle flame. It cleans the rope (mostly the black one) from shine and discolored wax traces.
  2. Good jobTom.Nice blocks! Did you made them yourself? Christos
  3. @No Idea thank you for all your great suggestions. The masts are not alum tubes. Its wood painted alu silver. Thats the problem. But the idea to solder the twisted Cooper wire its clever!
  4. Details.... time consuming details. But well worked details make the difference. And it seems you are on the best track!. Happy new year
  5. Πολύ ωραία Ξυλόκαστρα! Wish a happy new year Christos
  6. @wefalck thank for all your help. It looks still hard to realise due to the small scale. Ill give it a try and if doesnt work I have plan b. Thank you again and wish you again a happy new year.
  7. Thank you for all your effort Wefalck, Ok I see. Please have a look at my sketch and be so kind to comment if I got what you mean correctly. If yes.... that means I need then additionaly a block and a shackle. And lastly. Instead of lug I could also use a wood threaded eyebolt, that would have an exrta strength (thread plus a CA drop)
  8. @thibaultron yes thats a way out... make my own bolts, which if I could sense the undetectable threads and hex heads then maybe I would. But its 1/75 scale meaning that a M10 bolt has a Φ of 0.14 mm...invisible🤔 @bogeygolpher yes thats very sensible, all of what you just wrote to me. I always do keep that in mind. But still I try always to go a step further... if thats possible. Some times it is,some other times it isnt. I think even when its not possible the effort has its own worth! In this case you and I know that there is allready a plan "A", which is your process. If in the weekend I dont come up with a new idea, then plan "A" runs on Monday or maybe better in the new year.
  9. @wefalckThank you for coming back. I had a look at Edt's log. I believe you mean the brass bands on the yards... the thing is -if you look the pic above of my build- the blocks look to be directly fixed on the masts,there isnt any ring/band used. In my case there arent any reinforcement bands on the ships masts. See picture. Yes, that would be very nice if you can find any drawings on this.
  10. @wefalck my old friend thank you for your good and precious advice. I gave to your advice a lot of thought, because its correct and engineering wise "the rule". @bogeygolpherI believe am going to follow your advice. Its a matter of how the model looks at the end of the day. You are right.... the original ship had metal masts, so again you are right that the blocks were probably bolted. Am thinking it again and again.... I have considered a lot of weflack's advice, who again is correct, but I think there isnt any other way out as the use only of glue. Its an engineering compromise against the sake of more realistic picture. And if its "glue only", then your process is the best and safest! Thank you again for all your help. Happy new year to both of you and to your families
  11. An idea its a thin steal wire, lets say 0,25mm, that will carry the blocks and be tightden around the mast.... though am not very thrilled with that due to the look of the wire around the mast.
  12. I did.... but couldnt tell through the pictures.
  13. Thank you Sir for your time and your very useful help. Merry Christmas Christos
  14. Dear Dutch Colombus, I wish you and your family merry Christmas and a happy new year. And have a safe journey to the "Conquest of Paradise". It happened 1492 and is still happening again and again.... like Ulysses and Ithaca, it always happens what we choose to happen.
  15. My model's blocks are glued on the wooden masts and yards with a 0.3 and 0.5 mm cooper wire.Also the chainplates. Hopefully some one can help me out. How can I do that so that the bond after rigging still resists the needed rigging strength?
  16. Great modification the railing! I agree that AL had a bad taste as its original design. The thing I liked though its that you didnt took their design for granded. Thats what I would (or most people) propably have done... I believe wouldnt thought of redesigning it, I was just going to follow their "know better" design . Well done! Now overall the build: The ship untill now... if I may say...has the sense of a master piece!
  17. Thank you cog. Its made from the sail cloth.I was playing with the idea to paint it green... but am happy now I didnt.
  18. Are going to have furled sails in order not to hide the Ship's deck?
  19. Guns and gunports fit great! Your gun makers made an excellent job! I gave them a closer look and I indeed confirm that... and gunports are clean and 100% geometrical.
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