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Everything posted by MESSIS

  1. @Louie da fly If... just if Steven, I really finish the book and it comes out that it worth's it been published, it want be hard neither costly to translate it in english. But in any case, even if I dont publish at all, I ll be sending you a copy of this work... I know that you will appreciate that.
  2. @Tom E Thank you for your kind words. Its a change from mofelling ships from the age of sails. And yes I do enjoy the investigation of Homers discriptions... there in the epics, there is a a fascinating piece of ancient naval history of which I wasnt aware. He gives details showing he knew what he was talking about (comparing with ancient vases and archeological foundings). Its really a wonderfull journey am going through and has made me to begin writting a book which I have called "Building Odyseous Ship". Ofcourse am writting it in greek🤯. @Louie da fly Nice comment 😄 Actualy Steven working on this I got the impression that I am again in school... memorys of my late teacher in gymnasium who was a great admirer of Homer. I preferd maths and physics at that point and he used to tell me that I was not appreciatting Homer they way I should. Now in my sixtys it seems I have learned my lesson.
  3. 50 oars hat a penteconter.... still need another 25 - πεντηκόντορος = πεντήκοντα fifty and όρος, ερέτης oarsman
  4. it looks like he is dead! And no one seems to care or to give any attention... they are keep rowing as nothing ever happened! 😁
  5. Steven I havent choose it myself. Its what is concluded according to Homer's discriptions". I think that if the cheeks were lower they would not be seen even from a small distance. The reason painting them red (or even blue) was to produce impression to observers. "Παρειές" is refering more to the upper part of the face, the lower part would be called (I believe) as "γνάθος". Of course at the lower part I am planing to position (looking most of the vases) the "οφθαλμός". I would like to know what you think of all these that I botherd you with. I value your expirience on such issues... and not only ofcourse.
  6. Homer says that Odyseus was the leader of 12 ships, which all hat red cheeks. Thats in Illias 2.637. It refers at this moment at the beginning of the expedition to Troy. Further on, is to said that Odyseus was not their King. He wssnt a King, he was the leader of a House (οίκος). There was no State, that time society's strusture was based on Οικος (Houses). It seems Odyseus Οικος was a strong one, so he was the leader among other Houses that they had relations with.
  7. Steven, thank you very much! Yes thats good thinking. The oars had to be able to pass through the oar holes. So I guess being a little narrow was ballanced by the greater nr of the oars. And also am thinking... it seems normal not to add extra pieces on the oars, it seems that the oars ware better to be made from one piece of wood.
  8. Yes it looks great! Its a movie scene! Still Steven I have a comment over the oars. I think that the blade should have been wieder. I think its narrow. I gues you have a reason for that which I would like to hear in connection with the oars which am now going to prepare for the pentaconter. Christos
  9. Stem hat fort, mostly in order to fight ship inavators.. stem was the embarking spot of the ship. The stern was the place where the navigator was standing, as the he was responsible for the course. The stem had red "cheeks" says Homer. So I painted red and ofcourse as Homer again mention I will have later on to paint the ship black under the wale.
  10. You are not going to get blind... on the contrary thats a good eye fitness workout!
  11. thanks Steven. Very nice of you to explain to me. Actualy they operated as holders of the futtocks in the radia direction, helping I guess against shell compression or tenstion tension. I also believe that each frame hat two of those, one lowere and one up.
  12. And here you can see akrostolion (stem decoration) and aflaston (stern decoration), both had a religious symbolism. And the 3rd picture shows epigenides and zyga, which ofcourse were futtocks (epigenides) and zyga the crossbeams which I dont know how is called in english. And lastly the beakhead, which is not a ram (no rams at that point in naval history)but just a beakhead helping the ship's/keel's stability.
  13. @Louie da fly thx, it seems am over the crical point of not completing the model. After the framing and planking now its easy to proceed with what it remains in order to rebuilt Homer's ship. I believe the result will be historicaly representable or at least within the frame of Homer's imagination.
  14. Yes, it makes sense. Still there is mo evedence if that was the case for the penterconter. On the other hand I dont believe that a 40 meter lenght ship was made by a single plank.in each strake. I dont think they could do that and find and cut trees of that length.
  15. This is how the plank extension was made by the Kyrenia ship (found by its wreckage). But that is 4th century bc.Pentconter is 12th to 11th cent.bc
  16. Steven, I dont think so.As you are aware of, they were building their ships with the shell first method. Meaning there were no frames to connect on the next plank. Ofcourse you will ask now, how were they finding 40 meter long planks for the penteconters.... And I will answer that I dont know 🤯
  17. Planking slow but it proceeds. The planks are very thin and break easily. Another thing is that due to the length I need more than one plank for each row.
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