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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. hi, so am planing to start this projekt before the winter (3-4mnd) i need to finished the pequot ship first.... but am starting to get wat i need for the first 3-4 chapter at start , my question ? is there a wood list ? to ripp the planks myself or do i have to by the wood finished ripped? svein.erik
  2. yes keith its to big , am working on it. i made a new ones , 1 shackle (4.5mm) 1 hook (5mm) thats the smalles i can make out of this wire (05mm) the biggest shackle in photo is 6.5mm and the hook is 8 mm and to big for the model ☺ svein-erik
  3. she is a beauty, it wil be a lovely model wen finished☺ svein.erik
  4. Hi, and thanks for likes and coments... so its near holidays for me, so i did some more work on the mine davidts at the fore dekk. i have to make some shacles and hooks and some blocks. in the photos i used single block, there wil be new ones here (pulleys) i also made a mine from the year 1900 + (i did try to make it 😉) svein.erik
  5. thanks for all the coments and likes☺ am working farword to the end... lol, ok i do have alot to do befor its finished. The ships name is General. samuel M. Mills. 1909. later named ( Pequot) so this is the us coast guard (mine laying) ship . svein.erik
  6. Hi again... its been a wile since some update , i have painted the hull fore the last time 😉 and almost finished all the parts on the funnel, am workingr on the fire buckets, install the drains on the rear deck house , the propeller and shafts are install , most of the parts are not glued yet.. svein erik
  7. Hello.. am starting the buildlog... and fore know am waiting fore the plans, then i need some wood 😉 svein.erik
  8. hello again some more update on my cheerful build, i desided to drill the holes for simulates treenails, am doing the finished portside planking before i plank the rest on starboard side . as i can see there is a lot of nails here😉 but this is my start on that task
  9. hi....finished the portside planking.... before i start on starboard side i wil drill the hole for treenails...😉 then do the rest... of planking... svein.erik
  10. Hi... started the plank job, its been a wile😲since i planked and it tuned out like a mess.... my first planks from the keel, befor and after repear.... sveinerik
  11. thanks for that... this cutter is a spesial fore me since it was ment for my mom ... so i wil finished in here wil.. 😊
  12. Hi ... its been a wile since i posted ... i needed a brake from building... my mom past away and i had so many other thins to do.. so i set my Cheerful on the slip today ... i neet to plank the rest so i can start to nail it😲😉..... best regards.. svein. erik
  13. Thanks for the coments and likes.... yeeeh... am finish the main dekk planking.. am thinking of using dy on the planks,( gray color) but i do have to think about that ... all the parts are still loos, ... so here is the result ...
  14. Hi... so after all the riggig the blocks most of the yards are know rigged ... some bits and peaces are still left of.. svein.e..
  15. more update..... i finish painting the brigde and also started to prime the funnel and vents, i still desiding wat color to use.... is goi g to be black or some sort of orange (funnel and ventes) may not be the right colors but i do have no info on this and all the orginal photos is black and wite... so dont put me in yale..... 😉 svein erik
  16. thanks for the likes.. i yust finich the ship brigde , it needs to be sanded an paintet.. more items wil be added on this later... svein.e
  17. hi.. and slow going update.... am working on the control room/ship brigde, need to finish this and get it painted... then start finish the dekk plank etc... but it start to look like a ship... sorry for all the mess in the background...😉
  18. thanks for the likes.... hee are my latest update , am started on the sea diorama and am also finish with the weathering of the Dukw.. not overdue... since is in the water... i can know place the dukw on the diorama and do some fillings around and then start shape the foam around and paint all the detail, some part are still left of ... figure etc... svein erik
  19. thanks for the coments and likes.... the dukw is know paintet . gloss varnish is aply so know the markings can be aplyd and some weathering wil be dunn.... i made canvas from silkspan ..... when dry it wil be painted.... the rope is from syren....😉 svein.erik
  20. nerly there... some more parts to go then its time to prime... svein.erik
  21. well done.... and a grait job on your first model😊 svein.erik
  22. some photo of the verlinden resin chunky parts.... and yes the Dukw is in 1/35 scale....😊
  23. yes it does... but not all of the resin parts are good, like the splash rear cover from verlinden was to thick and not wide to match the kit, so i deside to use the kit parts insted,
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