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svein erik

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Everything posted by svein erik

  1. Hi... a summer projekt.... its a boat.... lol.... so i think its ok to have a build log😉 the dukw is a work horse and a remarkable vehicle buildt from 42-45 .ww2. am pimping it up with parts from verlinden, royale models and eduard. it wil be in a water diorama when finish... here ate some photo from the build. svein.erik
  2. thanks for the likes.... am still here.. yust rigging blocks for the mast yards😉 svein.erik
  3. thanks for likes and coments.... am now finish as far as i can with the anchors i wil store these away and rigg them in the end of the build.. nex is to rigg the masts etc...
  4. thanks fore the likes.... making buoy.... i used clay then filed it to shape then painted them, then rigg.... they are smal .... lol svein.e
  5. i finish up the anchorcablestopper on dekk, also the 2 anchor is finish. the nex thing am working on is to make the 2 buoy and the ropes fore the anchors.... when finish i wil wait to permantly glue these on.. i have to do the other rigging befor that😊 svein.e
  6. She looks grait..... nice start and enjoy the build... cant wait to build her my self, Chuck have make an outstanding model for us to build and have fun with it😊 svein.e
  7. thanks for the likes.... more rigging, am doing some ankerrope stoppers or wat its call.... and am learning rigging knotts😉 how to rigg bloks to spars, i have to learn this as i go.... but i cant rigg the blokks to my spars using this metod since i have rigged the foot rope LOL me.... svein.e
  8. yes it is, there is spare parts if you brake it.... i did make my from boxwood. svein.e
  9. thanks Allan.... this forum have learn me to push my boundaries and yes mistake happen .... it dosent matter... its yust wood... and there is always some one here that can help solve problems small or big. this is why love ships building and not give up if there is an ishue😊
  10. Gregory .... thank you.... i can now deside wat to do, on or of😊
  11. no.. i think to to hard...😅 here is a photo of the rope on the dekk and the rope end that goes to the anker, if i understand you correckt the rope is not on dekk when its of the anker
  12. so there is no rope on dekk if its not i used, all the way to the windlass is have to go away?
  13. am planing to rigg te anchors for the syren and i wil hang these on the rails , to simulate that its not in used... buti can see everione do strop the anchor rope to the anchor ring when not in used, so or there is no rope on the dekk, so i wil have the rope on dekk but not rigged to the anchors ,....... so how are the anchor rope laying on the dekk??? here is an photo of the rope that goes out the howse hole ... is this coild up on the dekk?
  14. thanks for the likes.. i got the first one finish, the rope is yust for now to hang it.... i wil do the rope work for the ankers later.... svein.e
  15. i forgot to say that the anker stock is the wrong way.... but dont worry i can take it of and turn it 😉
  16. Here is one of the anker finich , wel.... i need to get some nails also😉 svein.e
  17. scratch building anker for syren... i order some time ago parts for my cheerful build, so i did have the anker kit from Chuck but thats 1/48 scale so i used the kit as gide to make new for the syren. here is the result befor sanding and painting. svein erik
  18. new update.... i did finish the timber heads , am not doing that mistake again... so this is the best i can do , nex time it wil be dunn the correct way😇 i soon can start some more rigg on the bowspirit ... svein erik
  19. thanks for the likes... well..... in these new photos i have to do the timber head for .the head rails... i forgot to do that a wile ago 💩 so the task is @%%%$@#!! since i cant turn the model around... so i have to do it as good as i can from down under... well here is the result at this stage... svein erik
  20. thanks for the likes... the open/closed harts ar now finich and rigged on the bowspirit , the closed harts i have to rigg them over and make the rope again .... it was to long the first time.... 😲 here are the result and am not an expert on rigging ☺ svein erik
  21. hi folks... some slow progress on the syren , the hammock netting is all dunn, and i started to rig the bowsprit. there are some bits here and there on the ship that i need to finish also... before i can do some more rigging on the masts etc.. svein.erik
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