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Everything posted by Rossi46

  1. Lots of work done on the benches and pdestal at front, plus flooring at the stern.
  2. Finished one side, now on to the other. There are so many layers to the deck that these ribs will hardly be visible.
  3. It is a lot of fun. Going to be a cool looking boat when its done.
  4. One side of planking done, finish the other and give it a good going over with sandpaper.
  5. I chose to use the softer, thinner wood for the planking at the back as there are some pretty extreme bends. It will all be painted anyways, so no harm.
  6. Hey Bruce. Its a nice little kit, im enjoying it so far and am fortunate to a have a full size replica to use as photographic reference. I couldnt find another row galley kit build on the forum, but will surely provide you with plenty of lessons learned 🍻 lol. The smallest scale ive built to date is 1/48, so working with the 1/72 scale is different.
  7. Thanks Antony, and yes it is very long proportionately.
  8. The kit is of a good quality, and Daniel Dusek was a real pro to work with. There are alot of resin cast parts with this model, which feels a bit cheaper than the metal castings, but is actually far high quality and infinitely more detailed. The keel and bulkheads went together very nicely and everything fit well. Here are some pics with the first layer of planking. There is a second layer of planking on top. I will be painting the hull, my first time doing that.
  9. I am finally ready to get stuck in on the Dusek La Real build. This is a very interesting build and one im very excited to document. My first build was the 1/48 scale HMS Surprise, whicjh was a monumental overreach for a first build, but it turned out better than i ever imagined, and i learned a ton along the way. My second build was a model airways Wright Flyer, a model that was fun but much less intensive. Now im ready and excited for more planking and rigging lol. The Real is a row galley famous for the Battle of Lepanto in 1571.
  10. In her new home. I built the case and renovated the room to fit this beast. This has been a very satisfying journey and i would like to thank my dad "blighty" for introducing me to this great hobby. Im hooked I know the Surprise was a big leap for a first build, but with the resources available, and equal parts patience, luck and determination, it wasnt so bad. Having done a fully rigged build, i am much more knowledgeable and understanding of how the early steps influence the later ones. Next on the table are the Real by Dusek, and the Wright flyer by Model airways. Thanks for joining me on the journey folks.
  11. Getting very close now. Worked on some cannon port covers, anchors and a fwe other odds and ends. Its been a heck of a journey and the start of a hobby i will probably do for the rest of my life. My last pics will be of the boat in its custom display stand.
  12. Installed last sail🍻 now im getting the bowlines done and itll be down to some of the finishing touches ie. Cannon covers, anchors and a few other goodies. Its been a treat working on the model, and having completed the rigging for the most part, a pattern emerges and its far less intimidating than when i started. I actually quite enjoy the rigging, other than ratlines lol.
  13. Its fun seeing a boat youve built yourself, and consequently become quite intimate with, being built in a different scale by someone with a different vision. Great job! Thanks for sharing your build🍻
  14. I realized ive been a bit of slacker updating the log and have to take some more pics of its current state. Here are some pics from a couple weeks ago when just the foremast was complete. I have since completed the main mast and most od mizzen mast and will add thise pics tonight. The display case is mostly done also, including the LED lighting. Some lessons learned there regarding adhesive.
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