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About Gerligand

  • Birthday 02/28/1968

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  • MSN

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  • Location
    Jacksonville, Florida

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  1. Beautiful work. I see that you are using different types of wood. Would you mind telling us what you are using? Thank you. Looking forward for the rest of the build.
  2. Sorry in getting back to you but yes it is the HMS Tamar.
  3. That is a very good guess Menno.
  4. not the HMS Warrior/Vernon III
  5. No, not Chinese, but Royal Navy.
  6. Here is a new one. Hopefully not too difficult to find.
  7. Is it the USS Vermont hulk?
  8. Hi Andy, I just found your log about your build. Your work is incredible. I just got this model for Christmas so I will definitely follow your build log. I am currently finishing the Santisima Trinidad cross_section by occre and just started the Bluenose by Model Shipways so it might take me a while before I get to it. Keep up the good work and the pictures coming Andy. Pierre
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