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Posts posted by alienowl

  1. Hiya Guys.


    Further update, I have continued to cut out templates now that i have the plans resized and making slow progress Haha. fingers cramp cutting them out with scissors im using a craft knife and cutting board on the larger templates.


    I also had to replace the table saw as the motor shorted out , im lucky this happened under warranty and i choose to upgrade it at the same time for a little more cost, photos included with post.


    Also made plenty of sawdust cutting timber stock and Sanding it to size.


    More updates as and when i am able its been handsome here in London for the last 3 weeks and spent all my time in the Workshop. 









  2. Hello Guys a further update for you all.


    Its been a poor winter here in London and the weather has finally improved, its been nice and warm and sunny for the last few days.

    I have made several changes to how i am doing things due to mobility and health. the workshop has been adapted so i can gain access with my wheelchair.

    The build at 1:48 has also been altered, i found at that size many of the parts were difficult for me to craft or handle. There for i purchased a new printer capable of printing A0 sizes and below.

    I printed all the plans out at 142% of the pdf files, this = almost  twice the size.

    This is far better for me to be able to handle the parts.

    Also over the winter i managed to get in contact of a small family kitchen unit builders at my local business park, I am welcome to forage in their offcuts section for suitable timber, I will be using mainly Beech for the frames, Mahogany for the Keel parts and deadwoods, Lime for planking and Maple for the Deck supports.

    The photos may not be in order and sorry for quality hands no longer steady, but ive given each a title.


    More to follow after progress.

    Regards to all Alan


    Frame 11 complete at 142%.JPG

    Frame components printed & 142%.JPG

    Frames printed & 142%.JPG

    Jig Plan and build base & 142% aprox 49 x 24 inches no 1.JPG

    Jig Plan and build base & 142% aprox 49 x 24 inches no 2.JPG

    Keel and Deadwoods templates & 142% no 1.JPG

    Keel and Deadwoods templates & 142% no 2.JPG

    Keel Parts printed at 142%.JPG

    Lenghts that i obtain.JPG


    New benchsaw.JPG

    Parts printed at 142% no 5.JPG

    Parts printed at 142% no 6.JPG

    Test Timber Beech and Mahogany 1.JPG

    Test Timber Beech and Mahogany 2.JPG

    The scale & 142% in inches vs plan.JPG

  3. Hiya Charter..


    The kit you see on the shelf is the Jotica H.M.S Victory large scale kit that my late wife purchased for me some 10 years ago.

    Hull is almost finished apart from top decks cannons,masts,spares etc all made but in storage.

    Sadly due to heart attacks and lost of wife i lost interest for a while, and when i did go back to it after 6 years i found a awful lot of the hull timbers had totally dried out and shrunk, the parts left in the kit box are in the same condition.

    Only course of action is to continue it as a scratch build replacing dried out timbers and parts or purchasing another kit. I am still not sure which route to take so she is on hold at the moment.

    At the moment lots of cutting templates for the Triton frames and gluing them to prepared Beech sheets i've made.

    Will post more pics once frames are cut 


    Regards Alan " aka alienowl "

  4. Hello every one.


    This is were il do my build log, il attempt to keep it updated as much as i can, with the English winter beginning work will be slow but i've made a start.

    Due to limitations with my right side and poor use of motivation skills of my right hand il not be doing things as per a normal build some parts wont be in sections but in complete lengths.


    Thank you for the access to to plans section all downloaded, also thanks to our member Bubblehead for the files you sent, much appreciated.


    Plans all printed on A3 paper multiples on the smaller parts and the A0 and A1 plans stitched together.

    I started with the keel pieces and deadwoods, I also started on the build jig. I will not start assembly yet as i want to craft all the frames before i do.

    Production of sawdust has started at last ^^... I'm having problems posting photos in correct order i do apologise but i'm sure you will all see the progress.











  5. Hello every one.


    Sorry for the length of time since my last post, but i have had a very bad year the high winds we had here in London at the end of May totally wrecked my old workshop. I had to demolish it and store all my equipment and tools and various workbenches along with timbers in my house.


    I am still affected by my heart problems and the stroke i had a couple of years ago, Its left me weak and palsied on my right side. My long term friend assisted me in remaking a new workshop. New workshop was finished a month ago and i've been busy getting all the equipment back in there and  done a few tests on my capabilities.


    A few photos of my progress.








    Picture 22.jpg

    Picture 25.jpg

    Picture 28.jpg

    Picture 34.jpg

    Picture 36.jpg

    Picture 39.jpg

    Picture 41.jpg

  6. Hello people.


    I've been ill for quite a few years long time in recovery. I decided to clean my workshop out and make a restart on some of my builds.

    I've restarted my Triton build, But in the time I've not been in there I have a huge colony of snails in the workshop who decided that they like to eat paper,sadly for me I only have some 15% of all the plans for various ships left intact.

    I've downloaded the Triton keel plan again and have been trying to print the pdf file to scale with no success,  I am using Adobe reader ver 1.7 I believe.


    Scaling options using the built in viewer is not accurate ?. Showing the plan at full size give 1" is equalling 1 and a quarter inches.

    Printing the plan out as a multiple page print gives the ruler printed as 1" = 1 and a half inches. Converting the file to a jpeg picture and just using the printer is a problem, My printer is a Pixima ix500 series A3 printer and I get the same results as trying to print from the PDF file.


    On our old forum before it crashed there was a program available to download that allowed many of us to print the pdf to the correct scale of 1:48 ? 1" = 4' if I remember correctly.

    Has any one still got this Scale program available if not does any one still have the Link please..


    Regards to all Alan.

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