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Everything posted by semorebutts

  1. Still just continuing to bend and glue PE. I think these launches will be hard to paint. I have an audience today
  2. Thanks cog. I agree, the PE Looks really nice for these launches. Do you mean pieceful?
  3. Oooooh now I get it Cog.. piece haha. I bend most of the PE for this step. They look like tiny coffins.
  4. I started work on the first four launches today. This is the fun stuff I love to do. The first thing I did is drilled out the portholes, 24 in all. next I take these pieces. fold up the two tabs towards the rear. then slide the two tabs into two slots on a corresponding peace. I did that four times Now alot of bending coming up. That is all for now. Did I use the word corresponding in its correct context?
  5. Airbrushing makes all the difference for me. If I had to brush on paints the bismarck would not be the same. Some people do awesome with just a brush. I'm not one of them lol. 😕
  6. Wow thank you everyone for the compliments! i just don't see the great model you guys see. Maybe because I look at it all the time? I just don't think it's that great. Exceptable but not great. HOF, Originally my plan was to continue the camouflage up the superstructure. But I messed up the stripes on the hull so bad that it was impossible for me to continue the rest of it. It really bummed me out at first, but now I think it would've been more than I could handle. Nothing yet on the cabinet. I am procrastinating that as long as possible.
  7. PE for the first 4 launches. I didn't realize how many boats there were... there's like 12. This should be fun! I'm excited.
  8. Pretty simple day today. Just install the last 8 guns. Up next I think I will work on the life boats.
  9. Hey John, yes the veteran models kits has both mounts and also has the D shield I believe. Doing some shading this morning. It's slightly more difficult to shade resin I think. Or it could be that there's more detail. Anyway heres some before/after photos.
  10. Thank you all for your comments and suggestions! I finally got all 8 ready for paint. and after airbrushing. time to shade.
  11. Ok so I try my hardest to glue the grab handles on and I actually did it. It just took sooooo long and I went through 8 of them just to installed 2. Im not going to put grab handles on the other 3 guns. Its above my skillset.
  12. Yes IR3! In such small quanities it seems impossible to manage. imagna your gonna have to wait a few days. 😞 model time got cut short today. But yes im sure it will be entertaining when PE is accidently glued to my fingers and forehead.
  13. Ok fine... im going to attempt more PE. Im going to regret this though im sure. Lets try these handles which are 3 times smaller than the ladder rungs I hate so much.
  14. Thanks for the info HOF, I'de love to see a photo of that! Im working on the last 4 guns, these guns are pretty cool. this is the PE i'm using and the PE i'm leaving behind. Sorry guys 😕 but half of it you will never see and the other half I could never install with my skill set. The instructions also give you two options for the PE. I'm not sure if I like number one or number two yet.
  15. Wow HOF! thats amazing! Thank you everyone for the wealth of info on this! I wonder if glass boxes can be built without wood frames. Like they do with acrylic just gluing the panels together. I like the look of nothing but glass. for some reason it stands out to me.
  16. How did i not see this earlier? This is great! No doubt the hornet!!
  17. Thanks, also have to think about thickness. 1/8,1/4,3/8. When the box is 54" long would 1/8 be to flimsy? Would 3/8 glass be to heavy? These are all things I have to think about. But I'm sure ill figure it out.
  18. yes CDW I have to get a custom acrylic or glass box made basically the shape of a fish tank. Any thoughts on what is better acrylic or glass? I delayed doing this for a while due to how expensive it is, but I recently had a Cash winfall so I can really move forward on this now. Im basically going to put this next to the front door or in the living room. Somewhere everyone can see it though🙃 4 of 8 guns done, ready for paint.
  19. Thank you Brian! That means a lot To me! I can't wait for the sea planes either because by that point she will be nearly complete lol.
  20. Oooh. Yes you Are right theres 8 guns 4 have hoods and 4 don't. You can see the differences here. I got 4 of each.
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