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Everything posted by Koppalakki

  1. I suggest you prime (if you didn't) and use Mr. color leveling thinner to thin Tamiyas paints, I assure after that you don't have any problems of paint peeling off anymore! The leveling thinner makes the paint so much stronger and with good primer is a damn good combination.
  2. Thank you for your couraging words! Fun ride, even though at times the sheer ammount of work can feel a bit overwhelming... What's next? Hmm.. a carrier? No, gonna be something small and cute just to clear my head! 😋
  3. Just fold them. It's best to fold them in a hold and fold using a sharp knifes blade to do the bend so it comes as sharp as possible.
  4. Just search it for from your hobby shop. Atleast freetime has it https://freetimehobbies.com/gator-grip-hobby-acrylic-glue-original/
  5. Gator Grip white glue is worth a try. It works really well for PE doors and other details you want to adjust. Though you need to be patient with it as it can take over 15 minutes to cure so you might "adjust" the part unintentionally!
  6. Thank you gentlemen! Just a few launches to finish, some final detailing passes and we should be guchi! Fairly fast 6 months with all the detailing in mind though! 😁
  7. And prolly the last update before finishing! After seeing this I knew exactly what I wanted to have on the helipad! Only one I could find in 1/350 for the moment was a Sea Dragon from Orange hobby so that had to do! The chopper is made of resin and some PE details. I dressed her up with my own details including grab handles wires etc. details. And on the deck! Had to move the Pioneer a bit and added one deck equipment tractor.
  8. Some minor stuff before the great end! Some finished liferafts and a bushmaster. Some launches. It's getting there!
  9. I would if I actually made a sea base for it! In my opinion displaying the ship like I do doesn't really fit into it. Atleast in my opinion. If doing a simple diorama then hell yes!
  10. If you look at real pictures of the ship you can see that there are 2 types of railing. Solid and ones with wires running through them. The ones painted black are simulating the wire ones.
  11. Some smaller details I've been working on. Added some warning lights near the aft boom. Used some 0.2mm brass wire to get the basic shape of the lights. After this the light bulb section was build up using white glue. After painting the bulb section is first painted chrome silver, then some light clear orange. The usual electric lines added. One RQ-2 Pioneer standing on the platform ready to be launched. Some addition details to the pioneer equipment. Containers for the equipment added behind the aft turret. Started to add the life rafts. Some grab handle ladders and some leasure activities added. All the rest of the directors finished. Anchors and jack staff finished.
  12. These are the ones I have. They have a switchable filter for different tones. Whatever you choose, get ones with rechargable batteries as the portable LED eat batteries in no time. And you don't need the umbrella thingies they are used for flash afaik. https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yongnuo-YN1200-LED-5500K-Video-Light-Lamp-for-Canon-Nikon-Pentax-Olympus-Cameras/382055427521?hash=item58f4472dc1:m:mIV9Br_dMHa3OTHZeY7L4ZQ:rk:15:pf:0
  13. I use just some normal backdrop paper, it's 120cm by 3000cm so there's extra to spare and cost like 25e and I just drop it down from a chair. I have 2 LED lights on stands for light and use a mobile phone to take photos. Looks like this. Not a photographer by nature myself aswell so the set had to be cheap and quality of my photos are good enough I think.
  14. Thank you Gentelmen! Only a lot of small and tedious stuff left but moving on anyway! Not hurrying with them so expected time is still end of the year. Also prolly be less of updates as it's just the same ol' same ol' !
  15. Hey Kevin! Thanks for the compliments! Yes, I've been actively posting my work on modelwarships.com for about 6 years. Though I'm from Finland but close enough! 😋
  16. Cheers, I don't do photography otherwise except for taking photos of my models and I don't know jacks "#¤% about photography and I only use a mobile to take photos so it's good to know they are at acceptable level even of my shortcomings in that area!
  17. I finished the top mast. Then suddenly I started to grave for some rigging. Few hours later the beast was rigged! Tried to get it as accurate as I could with the reference I had available. Also rigging being one of the things I strive to get better aswell! Maybe some mad rigging project next who knows! Also finished the Harpoon launchers if you didn't notice!
  18. Nokia 6.1. Still need to get focusing working properly. On auto it doesn't seem to focus sharp enough and on manual it's really akward to use.
  19. Some snail pace progress on the forward funnel. New phone new camera, not sure about how I like it yet.
  20. Only small work on the Missouri this weekend. I attended Nordic challenge model show today here in Finland. Last time I brought a model to a show was back in 2004 so it was long time due. I brought my Uss James E Williams to the show and it was recieved amazingly well! I placed 1st in ship class and also got named Best Ship, Best of Show and Best Model chosen by IPMS Finland. About 350 models were in the contest (not many ships though 🤔) and the quality of all the models amazed me. Standing proudly! More pics will prolly come up in the following days here! http://www.pienoismallit.net/tapahtumat/2018/nordic-challenge/kuvat/
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