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Everything posted by rwiederrich

  1. I was with you when you began this log...you've overcome many obstacles and recovered very well. It is very rewarding to know you are building her for your own personal enjoyment...that is the most important thing. Keep up the great work. Thanks for your fine comments as well. Rob
  2. I don't recall, if you are aware, but some of the images you posted are of the Ferreira... and when the Portuguese got a hold of the Cutty Sark they did some serious mods....like adding that access on the aft poop deck house by the helm. (To name just one of many) Are you going to model her with all the mods or are you staying true to her original configuration? Rob
  3. What an impressive lighthouse...beautiful. Great job on the card model......love lighthouses and yours in wonderful. Rob
  4. I only hope the detail remains in those older injection molds. My issue is with the shiny nylon thread currently being used...instead of the nicer older thread that was probably made from cotton or hemp. Rob
  5. So good to see you at the shipyard Nic....super progress too. She is a beautiful clipper. Rob
  6. My original intent was to use several 1/96 hulls to make the hull of the Great Republic....however, the jump from 1/96 to 1/128 was significant enough, doing so would be more problematic then building her from scratch....and the two hulls are significantly different amidships and at the stern. If I built the Republic in 1/96 compared to my Cutty/ Swordfish/Seawitch...in that scale she would be nearly a foot and a half longer and much larger. In any case, in 1/128..she is slightly larger then the others....NOT to scale. I used a Cutty hull for my Glory of the Seas hull, as well as my Donald McKay....in the latter case the hull is submerged, so no errors are seen...and I completely rebuilt the gunwales and deck to replicate that of the McKay. As far as the Revell rigging line....their older line found in their older kits is very fine IMO and THAT is the rigging line that is so hard to get. the modern version provides a nylon thread...unsuitable. the older thread rigging is more hemp or cotton. Thanks for all your fine comments and compliments. Rob
  7. The mizzen braces fall back to the spanker mast..instead of running forward to the main mast...note the painting. I will be changing some of the rigging as seen in this painting, however, this portion is correct from other sources. Sorry for any confusion.
  8. After that patience builder...I proceeded to finish up all the remaining mizzen backstays....and the topgallant stay. Some of the images will show some additions of the port main royal and topgallant braces and their inevitable run to their fairleads and to pins. The mizzen will become a web of lines from the mainmast...however unlike most 3 masters...the mizzen braces do not run forward to the main mast for belaying...they run aft to the spanker mast. Lots of little things added along the way. Rob
  9. Spent a little time finishing up some task. One..before things got totally out of control and internal access was going to be completely denied.....I opted to stress myself out to the max and install the glass ventilators that were installed along the cabin exterior walls. A new an ingenious way to ventilate the cabins with fresh outside air without introducing outside elements...such as wind and water. Here are a couple images of those little rascals....the black bands along the cabin lower edge..under the windows.
  10. Grandpa......when you are ready to glue the sail...simply lay a bead along the edge of the sail that will be against the yard....then press it firm and then apply mini alligator clips to hold it...and don't forget to use a support stick pressing out from the mast to hold the sail out from the mast. when it dries it will naturally want to billow away from the mast. The glued point must be slightly on top of the yard..NOT on the face of the yard. you want the sail to appear to billow away from the yard not simply fall down. I've done paper sails on many of my builds and it is such a forgiving material and when done right can be quite convincing. that paint preserves the paper and adds to their longevity. One note: when cutting out your sails, make them slightly larger, length wise, then normal...the curve you will induce will shorted the sail and it will then not fit against the lower yard and you will have over exposed sheet lines. Natural sail canvas stretches slightly, and if you cut the sails to the exact length, then billow them,,,they will be short. The process is as much illusion as it is anything else. It's called *Forced Perspective*. Thanks for the fine comments and compliments. Rob
  11. Thanks Pat...I did indeed experiment with lashing and all kinds of extremely difficult methods...but when I finally conceded that this scale is just too small for such details....and breaking more work then I was actually creating....I threw in the towel. Plus the strong desire to provide a good solid point for the billowing sails to start their billow...took precedence. Lashed experiments hung from the yard, limply...even though I was going to secure the sail to the bottom yard...everything was just too loose....uncontrolled for my liking....and trying to *lash* paper sails is a near impossible task I'd wish on no one. So I opted to insult the purists among us and hoping they would not snitch on me, ran with my glued on paper sails. Things of a grammar school craft class. I do appreciate the fine compliments..... Rob
  12. Next are a bunch of pics I took of the sail mounted with the lifts and downhauls run along with their blocks. Rob
  13. I then focused on the mizzen top stay sail...had to make that and here is a pic of the Hanks being added. Rob
  14. Tinkered on a couple of things tonight. I just mocked up the spanker and its booms for reference...
  15. It would be nice to say I used gaskets attached to the jackstays....but...to retain sanity and keeping this under a 10 year build....I simply used wood glue and used mini alligator clips to hold the drying sail to the yard. What one can't see, ...."Can't see it from my house", as my father-n-law used to say works. The sails are pre-formed at the contact point....so they pull away from the yard as if they are full of a stiff breeze. Rob(Sorry I can't provide you with a more impressive..realistic...method...other than glue)
  16. The more I think about it...I might consider leaving off the mizzen main course of the crossjack. Thinking this through it became evident that many clippers in moderate weather refrained from setting this sail...and if it isn't set, then more main mizzen mast and deck detail can be seen from this particular area. I would still set the top and topgallant stay sails...along with the sails for the spanker mast. This move will provide sufficient viewing of the deck details unencumbered by sail and still be an accurate representation of a typical sail arrangement. MMMMMM...... Rob
  17. I spent a bit of time finishing up the lower topsail clews and sheets and downhauls.
  18. GrandpaPhil….. I join you in your anticipation. As I get closer to her final days in the shipyard....I must be reminded that I still have plenty to do. An entire fourth mast needs to be installed and rigged. I didn't get in the yard time I had hoped this past weekend...due to a shed build(Now I need to add shelves) and some honey-do things namely repairing the hot tub for the admiral. As soon as I can recall the shipyard workers and establish a work schedule......I pray I will be finishing up the mizzen backstays and stay sails....then on to that last mast and its sails...and the finish line(what a sad day that will be). Thanks for your fine comments and encouragement. Rob
  19. Thank you very much. Even in this scale I am trying to include every major rigging element. I did omit the boom yard blocks for cleanness. I was not fully aware of what she'd look like with a full set of sails (Minus the stunsails))…..can't wait to see her with her spanker mast and its remaining sails. I think I have 6 or 7 more sails left to complete the plan. Again... thanks for the fine comments and encouragement. Rob
  20. From my research... she didn't receive her skysails until she was rebuilt...she needed them to compensate for the diminished sail plan from her original design...which I attempted to replicate. Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. Rob
  21. Thanks Druxey....the power is in the large number of sails put on these vessels... Rob
  22. Thanks Bob....After building the yards for the Glory of the Seas...without sails(Not mounted yet)...I realized, the largest clipper ever built had to have her sails set...for the sails of a clipper are as impressive as her hull....for in reality...it is her enormous expanse of sails that makes her so Iconic. A clipper spreading full sails in open water must have been a thrill to witness. I can only hope my attempt can, slightly, if possible...create the same feeling. Thanks for your fine comments and compliments Bob...I really do appreciate it...very much. and I appreciate all the likes from my fellow modelers. Rob
  23. From these views she looks ginormous..and active. Thanks for the fine comment. Rob
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