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Jim O'Connell

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    Pittsford, NY

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  1. As a retired Naval Officer who worked in the ship design business, I was able to track down the division of the Naval Sea Systems Command that is responsible for small combatants and boats. The Combatants and Boat division (NAVSEA 05D) did the design of the PBR 31, in house (Navy), and they have complete sets of of both the Navy's contract drawings and as well as the builder's detailed drawings. My contact has initiated a "Request for Approval to Release" drawings to the general public for a number of drawings that he thinks will be of use to us. This is a necessary procedure to ensure that there is no classified or proprietary information on the drawings that would preclude their release. This process might take a couple of weeks. When approval is received I will be in contact with the division's librarian to arrange to get copies sent to us (Model Shipwright Guild of Western New York).
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