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Everything posted by Twister

  1. My goodness John,!! For reasons unknown to me I've appeared to missed the vast majority of the last few months progress... The hull planking really does look superb, the deck being nothing short of inspirational - your posted pictures speak volumes of your obviously advanced abilities. Me? Well, once these little green eyed monsters (ie: jealousy!!) can be persuaded to do a disappearing act I think I'm fast approaching the time when my own build should start making small inroads into that thing called progress... In the meantime, definitely looking forward to future updates!! Regards, Row
  2. Mark, you really are doing an incredible job on Ranger; she looks absolutely stunning! The time taken getting the fairing 'right' will pay dividends in the long run - I had it so much easier when building the mold for Enterprise knowing that copious amounts of filler would hide a multitude of sins... Keep up the excellent work & I look forward to reading / seeing your next instalment. Regards, Row
  3. Patrick, just to reiterate what others have said, you're making an excellent start! Looking at you second photo, that's an incredible amount of detail you're planning to shoe-horn in and I'm convinced you'll create a fabulous model yet again!! Best of luck, Row
  4. Absolutely stunning. Enough said... Actually Patrick, this has been an amazing build, much learnt by all who have followed and I thank you for sharing 'Rainbow' with us. Regards, Row
  5. Looks pretty realistic to me, well done! Row
  6. Patrick, Wow! Wow! & Wow again!! You've really 'nailed' the tri-radial panel patterns, they look so incredibly realistic, congratulations! The tack & clew reinforcing, while looking a little dark, could possibly do with being a little smaller? I could be wrong... It's also worth bearing in mind that those reinforcing areas will have fairly defined degrees of shading as the various panels overlap each other on the 'full size' variant. You know, your attention to detail is truly phenomenal & I'm consistently in awe of the lengths you go to to achieve the correct 'look', congratulations!! Regards, Row
  7. Incredible work as always Mike, those pintle & gudgeon pairs look fabulous - I'm still utterly astounded that this is your 1st scratch built boat! Looking forward to future posts, keep up the excellent work, Regards, Row
  8. Fabulous work as always Michael & many thanks for the taper pin explanation. Greek restaurant? Isn't that where they smash the plates? Guess it saves on the washing-up... Regards, Row
  9. Michael, Quite simply stunning!! I think so much more could be added to that but I honestly believe I'd only be repeating what others have already said! Out of interest, will you be using an appropriate Loctite to attach the lobes to the camshaft or are the taper pins alone sufficient? ( to the uninitiated (me!) the taper pins seem to be incredibly small across the diameter, although the lobe loading isn't exactly going to be particularly high...) I'd certainly appreciate your thoughts on that and, in the meantime, belated birthday greetings!! Regards, Row
  10. Michael, At least with that little bit of spare music wire you can afford to keep trying until the spring is 'right' !! Seeing those pictures of the Bleriot brought back many memories - it was the first (static) model aeroplane that I built, must have been about 30 years ago, from a kit using matchsticks. It survived all of 3 weeks after completion when our dog thought it looked eminently chewable. I never did build anything from matchsticks again... Row
  11. Hi Patrick, I think it's also worth pointing out that you're not actually trying to achieve a metallic look, it's purely a matter of colour matching. While the majority of smaller (than the JClass) yachts do use anodised aluminium for their spars, Rainbow's spars are painted carbon fibre - perhaps it's worth contacting Jan Kraak again for a colour code on the specific paint - it'll almost certainly be available from an automotive supplier or even a Mercedes Benz main dealer if you have one that's reasonably local to you. Looking forward to reading of how you decide to take this forward! Good luck with it, Row
  12. Patrick, The detailing is really making her now - I'd never have believed it possible to include so much at this scale! Mast colour? The only reference I've come across is from a very talented Dutch modeller who produced an incredible model of Rainbow that was displayed at the National Maritime Museum Falmouth when we had the J's racing here a few years ago. Anyway, the colour mentioned on his build site was 'Mercedes Grey' which certainly looked like a very accurate facsimile. For additional info have a look here: http://kraakmodelbouw.com/index2.html You'll need to click on the sub-heading 'Building Site RC Rainbow' which is about halfway down the left column. IIRC, there's 19 or so pages a pictures detailing the various stages of the build with the mast construction near the end. Hope that's of some use, Row
  13. Michael, 100% agree with Patrick & Carl. I, as I'm sure many others are, am continually awestruck by your machining and manufacturing talents - not wishing to repeat myself, but if I could acquire just 10%, actually scratch that, just 1% of your skills my abilities would improve no end!! This incredible creation is getting dangerously close to completion and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to contain thoughts of 'when's it going to run?'. Conversely, there'll be a part of me that'll be sad to see it finished; reading of your thoughts & processes has been hugely rewarding and educational and I'll definitely miss the ongoing instructive prose. Anyway, keep up the phenomenal work! Regards, Row
  14. Patrick, You really have done an amazing job on the winches, 1.5mm high just doesn't seem possible - although a few of them could have been easier; Lewmar produced the winches etc for Rainbow and the biggest were just over 600mm high so at your scale, about 2.7mm; see, they could have been nearly twice as easy to make!!! I applaud your phenomenal talent, Row
  15. Absolutely stunning Patrick - the handrails really do look incredible, I've seen so many supposedly professionally built scale models where they've looked so wrong; to achieve the right look is testament to your skills as a model maker. Congratulations! Row
  16. What Bob said! You know, to work at such a small scale must take the most phenomenal patience - I really must hurry up and learn how to slow down!! Glad all appears to be infinitely better on the home front; take care of yourselves, Row
  17. I'll raise that fourth and submit a fifth... Here's hoping all continues to improve. Now, let me think about this - 0.028", that's about 0.7mm. Yep, I've had loads of drills that size, it's just rather unfortunate that I only need to try and pick 'em up and they break - am convinced they're only put into sets as some form of esoteric eyesight test, certainly not for actually using and definitely not for putting anywhere near other bits of metal. I'm probably severely limiting my modelling/engineering learning curve but I don't trust myself with anything smaller than 1/8". Stunning work as always Michael, your talents know no bounds. Regards, Row
  18. Stunning, beautiful, phenomenal, etc, etc, If you're going to carry on like this I'm going to have to purchase a thesaurus!! Regards, Row
  19. Very impressive planking Mike and if my eyes don't deceive me, not a stealer in sight - all the more impressive considering her shape aft, many congratulations!! Regards, Row
  20. Hi Mike, Got the rest of that planking 'nailed' on yet?!! Hope all's progressing well & looking forward to future updates. Regards, Row
  21. Michael, Engine builder extraordinaire!! Absolutely fabulous result with the spark plugs, very many congratulations on a successful test. Keeping fingers crossed that all health matters are resolved soonest, Regards, Row
  22. Patrick, I couldn't agree more with Mike & Piet - it really is only when you post pictures of Rainbow when you're holding her that the enormity of the challenge comes to the fore. To create so much detail from such miniscule pieces of timber is, for me, something quite extraordinary. So as not to keep repeating myself I'll quote from Cap'n'Bob instead, 'Wow'!! Really looking forward to the next instalment, Row
  23. Hi Mike, the planking is looking superb - all that preparation is really paying dividends, congratulations! Row
  24. Extremely impressive work - all that and you've still got your fingers &thumbs intact, I think if I'd attempted something so intricate I'd now be in bandages!! Row
  25. Hi Michael, From your post:- Would that also measure the 'runout' of the chuck which is likely to impart far more inaccuracies than the headstock? I only ask as the company that my lathe (Warco WM240) came from supply test bars with a taper to match that which is also machined into the headstock spindle. Although I've not bought a test bar I have turned a 12" bar (between centres) and my cheap digital calipers indicate a fairly consistent diameter, certainly within half a thou which I reckon is pretty good for a mass produced Chinese machine. IIRC, mine, the Sieg's and the many other iterations available are basically copies of a much earlier Russian built lathe. More for Steve's benefit (& anyone else considering the purchase of a small lathe), the Sieg's are generally regarded as amongst the better built machines - some have even claimed, with appropriate 'fettling' and/or 'tinkering', that their accuracy can match the Myfords. Mind you, I guess that's a part of the problem; where the Myford will produce accurate repeatable results 'out of the box', the Chinese lathes generally don't... Anyway, back to the main subject, your skills, as always, continue to amaze, astound, etc etc. The 'pump' really does look superb & I particularly like your threaded union, it was definitely worth the effort producing it to the correct scale size for the engine. I'm most definitely looking forward to the next chapter of this truly phenomenal engineering marvel!! Regards, Row
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