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    canoe21 reacted to David Lester in Trabakul by donrobinson - FINISHED - MarisStella - 1:32 scale   
    Wow, if I was from Newfoundland and saw only that first picture, I'd say "that's some shockin' b'y!" It looks good in the end though Don and that's what matters. Looks like it will be a terrific base for the planking.
  2. Like
    canoe21 reacted to captainbob in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Michael, some are only 25' (7.6m) about the size of your Maria sloop.  But knowing you I don't have to tempt you, you can do that well enough on your own.  And you do have a nice lake to put her on.  I'm sorry.  don't tempt,... don't tempt. 
    Welcome aboard, Ron, hope you enjoy the rest of the show.
    Lawrence, yes the scroll set the first one off now I need to figure what to do with number two. " I like Michael may even consider to build one of these when I ever complete the HMS Bounty."  I'm building 1:48, Michael would build at 1:1, what scale do you want? 
  3. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Salty Sea Dog in HMS Victory by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Del Prado - Restoration   
    What sort of sorcery is this? You are truly a gifted magician!! Your skills and kindness give us all something to aspire to.
    Best wishes,
  4. Like
    canoe21 reacted to riverboat in HMS Victory by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Del Prado - Restoration   
    Wow! what a difference...... you made some one very happy!!
  5. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Victory by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Del Prado - Restoration   
    Thank you very much for the kind comments Patrick, Grant, Keith, Rowan Elia, Mark, Tony, Lawrence and Row .
    Well this project is finally finished and delivered to it's owner - to say she was delighted with the result would be an understatement . I told her at the start that I'd have to charge her for any materials I had to buy, and she said that was no problem at all. Total expenses were just under $150 for such things as a bottle of Acetone, another of Turps, paint, extra timber, glue, knife blades etc. I was going to donate my labour, but she would have none of that and I received a very nice surprise when I opened the envelope with the money later that day - an extra $100 . My total labour worked out at about 80c an hour, but like I said I would have been quite happy to do it for free .
    Here are the pics of the finished ship, with a couple of "before's" under some of them :







    Please ignore the way she's rigged - my aim was always to make this a "decoration", not a historically correct model. I only rigged the Lifts and Braces to all the yards, and threw in the Sheets and Tacks for the Fore and Main Masts to help "fill in the gaps". The rigging fulfills that aim. BTW - I know the Braces for the Main Yards should have been around the other way (i.e. toward the Mizzen Mast), but it would have left too much empty space in the middle .
    I'm already a fair way into my next "holiday van" project - a similar situation to this project where the original builder passed away before completing his model of an Artesania Latina "King of the Mississippi" and I'm completing it for his family. Here's a LINK to it if you're interested.
    Work will also be done on "Vulture" in the meantime .
  6. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Dan Vadas in HMS Victory by Dan Vadas - FINISHED - Del Prado - Restoration   
    The first part of the model I tore out and replaced were the Decks - the hull actually came after when I saw that I'd done TOO good a job on them . Here are a couple of pics from BEFORE :


    The decks were ripped out using a flat chisel-point Xacto. I removed the whole quarterdeck as it was badly out of position :



    Some pics of the decks after sanding smooth, filling and re-planking :



    To be Continued in next Post
  7. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    love the scroll work...really adds character.........the windows came out good too!   overall........wonderful job!     the other launch is coming along nicely as well.   interested to see what style of cabin is in store for it  
  8. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Jim Lad in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Looking good, Bob!  
  9. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Omega1234 in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Hi Bob
    I agree with Carl.  Those little beauties of yours are looking quite magnificent!
    I'm looking forward to your next updates.
  10. Like
    canoe21 reacted to cog in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Looking really lovely Bob Magnificent job
  11. Like
    canoe21 reacted to captainbob in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Hi Lawrence, I haven’t done much but I’ll show you where I am now.
    On boat number one I added the window plastic and mounted the clearstory windows.  I added the prop and rudder, and the steering chain.  All that’s left on number one is the steering station and a few chocks and cleats.
    On number two I painted the hull white and added the flooring.  On the bench in the foreground you can see the side windows for number two and the yellow card stock is the template for the front of the cabin.
    That’s it for now.


  12. Like
    canoe21 reacted to michael mott in Two Edwardian-type launches by captainbob - FINISHED - 1:48 - SMALL   
    Bob I really like the look of this boat it is so Edwardian, would be lovely to build one at a large scale.....Must not let you tempt me....must not be tempted.... must not be tempted....
  13. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Thanks Lawrence .. Will be getting back to building shortly, am on my Winter break at the mo 
  14. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi All .. Photo Update Time .. Woo Hoo I hear you say!! 
    Well I have finally finished the Boom Support on the Mast  doodah (my build room is pretty cold at the mo.. as I'm ducking in and out as opportunity arises and there is no point in turning the heater on as I'd be finished before it heats up the place  )
    Anyhoo .. re the photos .. The Mast isn't fixed in place yet, still some more to do there, not least the Mast Coat where it enters the deck, and to attach all the various Blocks etc
    The 2nd photo shows kinda what the Boom will look like in place resting on the Support (I still don't know what the doodah is called)
    Photo Time
    All The Best Folks and Thanks for Stopping By 
    (Owner Operator at Eamonn's Unfeasible Slow Ship Yard)

  15. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Again Folks .. Well I have the Bob Stay and the Bowsprit Shrouds done and in place,  they are only temp tightened at the moment .. final tightening will take place much later (along with all the rigging)
    The shrouds are slightly thinner 'rope' than the Bob Stay 
    I just need to Blacken the Shroud Hooks and cover them all (the Served Ropes) in watered down PVA Glue to keep fuzzies at bay 
    All The Very Best And Thanks For Stopping By

  16. Like
    canoe21 reacted to egkb in HM Schooner Ballahoo by egkb - FINISHED - Caldercraft - 1:64 Scale - First Proper Wood Build   
    Hi Frank ... Thanks for stopping by and for the nice comment, I've been busy over the past few days with small detail work (kinda difficult to photograph without bringing out the big guns, but time hasn't allowed for that so I'll stick with the fairly trusty Camera Phone  .. and to be honest it probably does just as good a job for this kinda work .. though I could have held it steadier .. Oh Well   )
    The first photo is a close up of the 'Cranse Iron' on the tip of the Bowsprit.. I know the block should have an 'eye' in it but I'm happy enough with it. 
    Photo Number 2 is of the Base of the Bowsprit where I secured it with a bar through the bits and the B'Sprit itself, I then fed a small 'Locking Pin'  through a hole previously drilled in the Bar (0.3 mm hole for the Pin and the Bar itself is 0.75mm .. that was fun  ) and fitted a line from the Pin to a small eye in the bitt. 
    Photo 3 is of the Bob Stay which has just been Served with a Hook 'spliced' at the Bowsprit End and a Metal Eyelet 'spliced' into the other end .. I will be using a lanyard rove between this Eyelet and a Ring already in place on the Bow near the waterline .
    I need hardly say that all of the above are not per Kit Instructions...     which calls for a much less satisfactory approach.
    The Bowsprit Shrouds will be done in a similar manner to the Bob Stay .
    Thanks For Stopping By Folks and Thank You for all the Comments & Likes .. Always Appreciated .
    Photo Time .. 

  17. Like
    canoe21 reacted to robipod in HMS Victory by robipod - Caldercraft - 1805 version - first build   
    Nick: Patchy is a great word! Thanks for the comment re "the real Victory". The beakhead did work out okay. I took your suggestion and have been working on placing the brass rails to the hull. I can't imagine doing it later on in the build. One thing I found is that brass along with super glue on bare wood is very hard to move after it sits for even a few minutes. Pulls a layer of wood off with it. LOL... It was a shock. Thank goodness I only had a mm or so to move it. (messed up the angle between gun ports on one piece.
    My daytime and most evenings other project is going strong for another six weeks but we just got hit with some timelines that may mean the second phase will start right away versus a few months. Ian will understand.. Yep, patchy!
    Must admit, I'm a bit frustrated by my pace, but my other activities are just too much at this time. And to add to it, we've had 12.5 feet of snow (cumulative this season so far) at the mountains I ride so you can imagine it's pull... I don't need a to wake me up to drive there.
    But, this week has been pretty good and took three evenings. A whole three evenings to plug away. For me "an evening" is time after 9:00 or 10:00 p.m. LOL (I just realized, it's like when the kid was growing up... Yikes!!)
    Took the tarps off. And did some painting and fix-up. (A diversion more than anything) Was working in the galleries and sorting out the painting and alignment of the quarter gallery 2nd and 4th skin false baluster patterns.
    Decided to scan the brass sheet 1:1. After making a pdf (in this case) I printed the sheet. And I cut the pieces out that I want to align and there you go! Lined up using the paper parts. Might prove to be useful elsewhere.
    In review:
    1. Scanned sheet with the scanner 1:1 - created a pdf (the brass is still inside the plastic bag)

    2. Printed the sheet and cut out the "parts"

    3.taped in place so I could figure out the colour patterns

    4. Took this picture before the new tarps went up. (please excuse the green background - didn't pull across all the way -)

  18. Like
    canoe21 reacted to robipod in HMS Victory by robipod - Caldercraft - 1805 version - first build   
    Got a bit done this weekend. Not much. But every bit moves me along. For anyone who is just starting. Just plodding along, no matter how little, eventually gets complete. Even if it takes years. Hmmm... that's like life.
    Cleaned up the deck and area for the picture. I won't be able to find anything now. LOL
    Just working on the main deck. Lots of paint touch-up required. Sanded a few spots on the deck that will clean up with another coat.

  19. Like
    canoe21 reacted to robipod in HMS Victory by robipod - Caldercraft - 1805 version - first build   
    Lawrence re picture on ocean - have a green cloth on wall. Took picture of the model, deleted the green background and superimposed my model on an ocean picture. Have too much on the go -- getting there ever so slowly. Thanks for comments and likes. Going to post some new pics this weekend I hope. Was able to get a few hours in the shipyard. Boarding is great this year too! Four and a half foot settled base already.
    Hope you are keeping well these days there in Ontari ari ari o.
  20. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    hi all      progress this week has been spotty at best.   none the less,  I have been able to visit the table for short periods of time.  I was able to paint the lenses for the mast lights...inside surface.  you may see a tinge of color.....the two perched side to side are done in yellow,  and the one straight forward is in white.

    the other two pairs of eye bolts were drilled and cemented in place on the net rigs.   that finishes them up,  so the next step will be to rig them with chain,


    I couldn't remember how I set up the net rig rack.......perhaps I should have looked back into mu own log        it seemed like the rig was too low......but I think I held it in place in another way.  the chain is attached to the eye bolts with 4 mm metal rings......I bought these at Hobby Lobby.   they are really small.......can't tell you how many I've lost so far......either launched from the pliers,  or catapulted by a slip of the chain.   the center was found and the center support chain was put in place.
          eye bolts will be along the bar to attach them.


    another pair of chains divided the two sides....these will be attached as well.

    I have around 17 beads to make the buoy string.   I have a bad feeling that this will not be enough.   I began to paint them.

    while we were out the other day,  we stopped in at Hobby Lobby.   I needed more small drills,  since the last one I had broke last week.   I couldn't believe that they didn't carry drill assortments....I ended up getting another pin vise which had a small index of five drills in it.   I'll have to look online I guess.  I also found these.....they are the same as I am using,  just without all the different sizes {I bought a multi pack last time}.

    I also got the outer chain on the other net rig....it's waiting it's turn on the rack.

    should I get any more done today.....I will post it.   I have to go out again                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
  21. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks John       I'm a mile behind you my friend   ........some of your ideas {and the stuff you make your parts from},  are more innovative than me!  
    our logs are just a smidgen of what MSW contains...........that's what makes MSW an awesome site!
  22. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    oh....no!   we can't have that!      still more to go Carl........thanks for the good word  
  23. Like
    canoe21 reacted to cog in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Tought you wouldn't be finished. I can still see some deck ... and you've got some netting space left ...
  24. Like
    canoe21 reacted to popeye the sailor in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    thanks for the kind comments  every one...........and thanks to all who hit the like button.    ohhhhhhh noooooo..........she's still far from being finished   no laments just yet.   I haven't even made the decals yet.......gotta get some fresh ink for the printer.   it will be a very happy day though when I get 'er done.  for those who would like to see more on fishing boats.......I have two others in the que.  the Boulogne Etaples........and the mystery rigger {not sure what she'll turn out to be}
    not to worry John......we still have the Thermopylae  
     I did good..........I did Pat    
  25. Like
    canoe21 reacted to Omega1234 in Syborn by popeye the sailor - FINISHED - 1:33 - trawler   
    Hi Denis
    Marvellous, marvellous and marvellous. I don't know how you do it, but you do everything so darn well.
    I reckon the only things missing are the crew, fish and some rust stains!
    I too, will be sad to see this one finished. I hope you've got a nice display case sorted for her...
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