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Posts posted by hamilton

  1. Thanks for the quick reply, Augie - I had to say I laughed when you said that that colour designation was "Wood" - of course!! I'll check out my local hobby shop to see if they carry this brand - I'm also not ready for carving - I might take a crack at a simplified quarterbadge, but I doubt this will come to much....anyway, keep up the great work here and thanks again!


  2. Hi there:


    I was not keeping a build log on this boat to this point, and have no photos of the construction of it!! So one might well ask - why bother now?!?! I guess I feel inspired by the new MSW and would like also to help re-populate the forum, even if it is a laggard's log I'm keeping....


    I was benefitting greatly from the excellent build log of this same kit by Dan on the old MSW - sorry Dan, I don't remember your last name!! His work was truly top-notch and I took a lot of inspiration from his build. I certainly followed several of his suggestions and valued his insight into the trickier aspects of the kit. Sad that it's now inaccessible, but....


    I have been having a lot of fun with this kit. It's in 1:25 scale which means there is a lot of detail to be added. The cabin construction was particularly enjoyable - I wish there were more working vessel kits out there in this scale (as a dining-room modeller, I can't really indulge in scratch building!). I've altered the painting scheme somewhat based on the tastes of some friends for whom this model is a gift (in celebration of their first child).


    Anyway, at this point I am almost ready to dive into the masting and rigging. I still have to permanently install the rudder and add some of the rigging elements (chainplates, bobstay plates). But tomorrow I'm off to Mexico for a week. So in the meantime - I'll post the 5 pictures I have of the build so far - two of the kit and three of its current state!


    I'll be back at the bench (well, really it's my dining room table) week after next, and then I promise to be a good contributor....Until then - any and all feedback, tips, suggestions and constructive criticism is welcome!





  3. Looks great so far. I built the older version of this same kit last year - a lot of fun but found the laser-cut parts a little off in some significant places - the bulwarks in particular, though also the decks (less so) - how have you found the quality of this kit?


    Also - I saw other build logs of the SF II with a single layer of mahogany planking...but it seems that this one is double-planked...do you know if they revised the kit? Keep up the good work


  4. Your Syren looks amazing! I just got this kit, though won't be starting it for a while. Reading the practicum I often read the words "paint to look like wood" in reference to the Brittania parts. Can I ask what paint you used on the quarterbadges and stern decorations? I'm not exactly sure what finish might look most like wood....and your work on these parts looks great. Thanks for posting!


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