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    hamilton got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Thanks Mark!
    Since the last update I've made only a little bit of progress - even though I'm technically on "vacation" the last week and a half has been very busy at work, and the summer has finally kicked in out here in the Pacific Northwest....it doesn't last too long so it's important to take advantage!
    Anyway, I've now finished up the following little things:
    1. Catheads, knightheads, timberheads & fish davit cleats - pretty straightforward and not much to note here - timberheads arrayed at bows and along the quarterdeck rail.



    2. Fenders and ladders outboard - I've had to deviate slightly from the Blandford plans here, since (once again) Corel's kit design does not allow the positioning of these exactly where Goodwin has them....In Goodwin, the outboard ladders are just aft of gun port 6, but I've had to be put just in front of this mark. Because of this I also had to reposition the double fenders which in Goodwin are just forward of gun port 6 - I've placed them rather absurdly just aft of gun port 4....anyway....
    3. Outboard rigging details - drilled a bunch of holes (for the bowsprit, for the rudder, for a couple of sheave blocks); added a number of ringbolts for the standing ends of sheets, tacks, bowsprit shrouds, main course braces, jibstay tackle....); also the pump dale scupper at midships in the filling strake - a small yet significant detail!


    4. The aft hatches and capstan platform - these took a bit of finagling to get to fit (lots of little swipes of the sanding block) but eventually they went in snugly.

    That's it. Only a few photos - but they show all that there is to show - enjoy and take care all
  2. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from maddog33 in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Alright - the last time I updated this log seems an eternity ago! I have not, however been idle (unless you ask the admiral, in which case I am only ever idle...)
    As I mentioned previously I have completed the rails. I've left off the decorative metal scrolls that Corel supplied and opted for something very simple - and closer to the representations in the Goodwin book. I also had to confront a structural problem that is very difficult to describe but that resulted in a situation where if I had followed the exact scheme of laying the rails as provided by Goodwin I would have had gunports that were 12mm wide and roughly 20mm tall!! Clearly absurd and to be avoided at all costs.
    Goodwin's book shows Blandford with open bulwarks - the cap rail along the waist establishes the top of the gun ports and should be 12mm above the gun port sills to create a nice square opening. However, given the height at which the quarterdeck and forecastle sit, I could not build the bulwarks up in a way that truly reflected Goodwin's drawing. I might have been able to do this had I anticipated it back when I was building the framework - but that would have involved replacing and recrafting each and every bulkhead in the kit - something I am not equipped to do....so the structural aspects of the Corel kit are, in this instance, inadequate for reproducing the Blandford as depicted in Goodwin.
    I needed to make some compromise - and what I chose to do was to make sure that the gunports were of normal dimensions. This necessitated making a little "step" in the main caprail both towards the forecastle and towards the quarterdeck. Goodwin shows the main caprail running smoothly from the break of the quarterdeck to the break of the forecastle...mine does not do so due to this unanticipated aspect of the Corel kit....
    The results are not altogether awful, though they make the ultimate appearance of the vessel less satisfying than if I have been able to achieve the nice smooth lines of the Blandford....
    Anyways, I'm trying not to get too upset about it....
    Along with the rails have gone the frame ends in the waist as well as a set of sheave blocks situated in the open bulwarks for sheets and tacks.
    In other news, I've also completed plotting out the belaying arrangement and re-doing my rigging tables based on information gleaned from Lees and Goodwin - the Lees book is quite amazing and will undoubtedly come in handy when I turn to the Bellona some time in the future.
    I finally returned to actual building two days ago and have now completed the rigging details on the inboard bulwarks (cleats, kevel cleats and kevel blocks). The kevel cleats are a bit large for scale....but I am not entirely annoyed by their appearance....
    My next step will be to shape & fit the catheads, add the knightheads and bow/quarterdeck timberheads, fish davit cleats, and some outboard details (ringbolts for rigging elements, fenders, ladders, etc.). Not sure how much I'll be doing in the next week since, though I'm technically "off" for the summer", Fall registration begins on Monday and as a program advisor for my department, I expect to be swamped with emails from anxious students about what they should be doing (should have asked a month ago!)....
    Anyway, photos follow - hope you all are keeping well and happy 4th of July to our American friends!! Oh - and happy belated Canada Day to all the Canucks!












  3. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from avsjerome2003 in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Well everyone, the transom is almost finished - I have some decorations to add, but I'll save this for a future post. For now, I'll explain how I went about things.
    1. Cabin windows: after a lot of thought about how to approach things, I decided to first construct and install the cabin windows and then plank around them. I made this backing out of 1/32" basswood - The shape of it was based on the angle of the stern framing installed earlier.

    The window frames were at first a bit of a challenge - given that the area of the windows is much smaller than the quarter galleries. Fortunately, I found these brass tail gates at a local model train shop - I thought I could adapt them as window frames. 

    I trimmed the brass parts to leave a basic frame - I eventually trimmed 5 and laid them across the window backing to get a sense of spacing.


    The backing was then painted black, and the frames painted white. I then glued the centre frame and added 1mm x 1mm strips (also white) as vertical frames. I finished off the assembly with some white 1mm x 1mm strips at top and bottom. The whole assembly was then fixed on the model. Here it is.

    2. Planking: The planking was done with 3mm x 1.5mm basswood, except for the planks immediately above and below the windows, which were spiled from a 1.5mm sheet. Here they are, with the upper plank stained Golden Oak and the lower one painted blue - this is the strip on which the name plate will be fixed - another future addition.

    Here is the basic planking finished on the transom

    3. Moldings: I added a curved piece around the edge of the transom - cut from 1/32" sheet & painted blue (I don't know if this feature has a name....can anyone enlighten me?). I also added some 1mm x 1mm moldings as well as a 1mm x 2mm curved molding on the inside of the curved transom piece. 
    I started by making a template and tracing it onto the sheet:

    I then simply cut it out, painted it and installed it:

    Then the moldings went on - painted black....

    4. Cap rail: I then fabricated the cap rail. This was spiled from a 1mm x 6mm strip. It needed to be thicker across the top (the taff rail) and tapered around the quarter galleries. A little tricky but not too bad - also painted black. Here it is....

    And here is the transom again and a closer shot with cap rail installed.


    And here, for comparison, is the part supplied by Corel....

    So that's it...I have to say that I'm quite relived that this part of the build is done. It was a lot of fun puzzling the transom out and putting it together and even though it's not perfect, I'm very pleased with the results. One thing I tried to do and didn't was to apply the name to the lower strip on the transom. I had a sheet of dry transfer letters, but they were black, so they did not really show up - I'm going to try to find some white lettering and apply it to a .5mm x 5mm strip to add later....
    I also bought some brass bare tree frames from the model train shop, which I'm going to use as decorative elements on the bulwarks and transom - later for that, though.
    In the meantime, I've begin to install the cap rails & frame ends for the open bulwarks. I'll update this once it's done. For now - hope you're all having a great weekend and happy summer!!
  4. Like
    hamilton reacted to mtaylor in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    That's the mighty "larch" if I remember the song correctly....   :P  
  5. Like
    hamilton reacted to Blue Ensign in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Hi hamilton I have to add my name to the list of those who think the bare twig look does not work. Scale link do a range of foliage frets which may work better, but before you give up and leave it plain, try painting a strip of paper of the required width with a series of scrolls and say acanthus leaves, you may surprise yourself. The book artwork gives a lead.
  6. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from Ferit in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Hi Andy:
    It's these kinds of jobs that will probably permanently bar me from scratch building - carving and decorative finishing....I say "not my strengths", but I really should say that I don't even know where to start....anyway...at some point I'll have to just sit down with a knife and a stick and start practicing....
  7. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from jml1083 in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Weren't hedges ever in fashion as ship's decorations? Just dolphins and unicorns and cherubs and stags I guess...What about the mighty hedge!!!
  8. Like
    hamilton reacted to jaerschen in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    I'm with Brian. You can try modeling compound. I used it successfully at my Irene.
  9. Like
    hamilton reacted to realworkingsailor in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    It's a shame Anton has not reappeared (username "perthshipyard"), he was building the HMS Diana and had taken the time to paint all the frieze work by hand. Very talented with a brush. You would have been able to pick up more than a few tips from him.
  10. Like
    hamilton reacted to RiverRat in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Leafy, flowery foliage might work, but forget the dead trees plees...
  11. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from mtaylor in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Well I guess the word is in....I agree....I was looking at the dry-fit piece again this morning and realising that I was really just "improvising" in a situation where it isn't appropriate. Thanks all for the intervention!!
  12. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from Ferit in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Weren't hedges ever in fashion as ship's decorations? Just dolphins and unicorns and cherubs and stags I guess...What about the mighty hedge!!!
  13. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from augie in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Weren't hedges ever in fashion as ship's decorations? Just dolphins and unicorns and cherubs and stags I guess...What about the mighty hedge!!!
  14. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from Ferit in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Well I guess the word is in....I agree....I was looking at the dry-fit piece again this morning and realising that I was really just "improvising" in a situation where it isn't appropriate. Thanks all for the intervention!!
  15. Like
    hamilton reacted to realworkingsailor in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Yeah.... I think on this one I have to agree with the crowd... Nice idea but I feel it would end up having your ship look like it was covered with a hedge rather than the effect you're going for.
  16. Like
    hamilton reacted to aliluke in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Hi Hamilton
    I'm with Ferit on this. Adding random decoration is going to be difficult and could end up looking just like really strange bling. Leave it plain or get realistic decorations by buying a Pegasus PE set (these are separately available from the kit but the scale is 1/64), or something similar. That way you get all the additions that are right for the era.
    If that doesn't fit - budget or otherwise, I reckon, straight up, plain is better.
  17. Like
    hamilton reacted to Ferit in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Hi Hamilton,
    My thought is that to leave it plain is better than to decorate with unsuitable material...
    On the sides of the original are there decorations?
  18. Like
    hamilton reacted to Navis Factorem in HMS Bounty by Navis Factorem - FINISHED - Amati - 1:60   
    Running rig update.
    With the spritsail yard fitted and rigged the spars are now all in place.
    Now for the staysail running rigging, The Amati kit describes some of the rigging for the foreward stay sails on the bowsprit and jibboom but doesn't mention the other staysails between the masts. Details for these can be found in McKay and Lennarth Peterssen but I have a bit of a problem with where the ropes are going to land on the deck. I have just about run out of belaying pins and rack space. The pin racks were installed fairly early in the build and I hadn't done enough forward planning to pick up the problem.  
    Not too sure what to do!
    I think i will fit the rigging for the foreward staysails where I have available belaying pins and give the rest a miss. 
    A more complete rig is something to look forward to in the next build.
    I still have a few small details to complete such as the stern lanterns.
    I am going on holiday next week so there will be a bit of a gap in progress for about 5 weeks.  
  19. Like
    hamilton reacted to Navis Factorem in HMS Bounty by Navis Factorem - FINISHED - Amati - 1:60   
    Rigging progress.
    Mizzen running rig complete, now for the sprit sail.
    Almost done.
    After a bit of a shaky start I have really enjoyed the rigging process.
    I am trying photographing against a blue background, I think it reduces the contrast and makes the different coloured cords easier to see.



  20. Like
    hamilton reacted to shipaholic in HMB Endeavour by shipaholic - FINISHED - Eaglemoss - 1/51   
    A couple more pics

  21. Like
    hamilton got a reaction from ianmajor in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Thanks for the comments all! Very much appreciated....Ian - unfortunately I'm allergic to cats!! And as for more - the sun has finally come out in the Pacific Northwest (a rare enough event) so I've been spending a lot of time getting some much needed yard work done. In the evenings I have barely enough energy left to lift a mug to my lips let alone fiddle around at 1:100 scale....but more progress should come soon...
    In any case - thanks all for your thoughts! Despite the limitations of this kit, adapting it to the Blandford has been a real adventure so far....my first real kit bash, and a lot of fun. I think the next one's going to be something very simple and straightforward.....HA!!
  22. Like
    hamilton reacted to Tarjack in HMY Royal Caroline 1749 by Tarjack - 1:50 - bone model   
    Bone model of HMY 1749 Caroline M 1: 50

        I asked for a little patience so I can write something to the building report chronologically.

        Now that I have already reported in other forums  Caroline I would like to read the report and hopefully entertaining to bring on  PC

        Let's start with the planning.

       In the year  1988, While visiting the "Hestorisch Sheep ride Museeum" in Amsterdam, I see a very strange looking white model held in a French frigate. The tiny carvings fascinate me.
        My wife: OOOOOH ... so one I would also like to have! I: you shall have .....

        In the following years! I collect everything that is there to have bone vessels and bone processing.

        For model prove only the leg bones of bovine animals. (Upper and lower leg, called tubes or bone marrow) as ideal, because the density and strength is optimal. All other ... Ribs, shoulder, skull, etc. are too porous and brittle.

        The preparation of the bone.

        For the construction of Caroline to start about 400 tubes are required! This massive amount you will not get the butcher of his confidence but only at the slaughterhouse.
        A tube is [without joints] about 160 - 180 mm long. Weight 200g
        The tubes must be boiled at high temperatures to remove the marrow and cook again. I have poured over the cooking time about 500l best Mark soup down the sink ..
        Then with muuuch Cleaningsalt 3 - 5 times through the dishwasher [highest rinsing] and then let dry. (About 3 years!)
        The first drying cycle was completed on the balcony (the bone Always nice hanging in direct sunlight).

        My neighbors loved it ...... Except for one!!!

        Just imagine the following situation.
        My wife was in the hot phase of the bonecooking in court on govermenthighschool. The City "Hof" is about 200 kilometers from Augsburg (whre we live). She stayed there during the week from Monday to Friday. The course lasted 3 years and in that time my wife wasnt seen for many neighbors anymore. I was at this time full-time home with three little children. (whatisayhiswifeisrunnawaynowonderlookthisman) were still the nicest rumors.
        Suddenly my balcony was full of bone depends on a cord strung out to dry

        One day, it rings the doorbell ........ I open and behold, two "Chipmunks" are coming up. I quote again: Good day how are you, (well, thank you), we were just in the area can we comein ...... ?? (Clear, like .. please enter) -.  my daughters hunting the cat and run the state power almost overboard --- your children are so happy ...canwepleasetalktoyourwife? (No that is prevented) one of the two in backgrond mutters "that i belive" The first again: we want now, please talk with your wife. (I said it is prevented)
        Meanwhile, we all go to the kitchen. From my kitchen is access to the balcony and there one can see the tremendous amount of bone hanging from a beam.
        Both chipmunks pale and call me an ultimativ to say where´s my wife!!
        I have tell the men from the police to the residence of my wife and the reason could be solved without the most accurate information that can be called my wife, perhaps as a cow but is unlikely to achieve this amount of bone in a single body.
        The two left my apartment rather monosyllabic

        The dried and assorted bones are now halved lengthwise on a bandsaw.
    (My boss wanted to know where my wife is ).

        These shells can now, as required in planks, 4 square timbers or other basic blanks are processed.

        This was just the beginning.

        Soon we will start with the foundation

        Until then ....... Freeguard leave .....
  23. Like
    hamilton reacted to mobbsie in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    She's coming along very nicely Hamilton, well done mate.
  24. Like
    hamilton reacted to DesertWolf in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    I agree with Ian M, one gets a lot of inspiration from your build for one's own efforts and kit bashing.  Superb work!
  25. Like
    hamilton reacted to aliluke in HMS Blandford by hamilton - FINISHED - from Corel HMS Greyhound - 1:100   
    Hi Hamilton

    This is really coming together. It looks great! Good on you for pushing to make it right as "HMS Blandford" rather than the kit version. I'll keep following.




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