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Everything posted by texxn5

  1. Well things are moving upward. Got a couple of upper mast shrouds done. Serving these puppies is a challenge of course. These are smaller diameter lines served with my small thread like around .008 serving .008. Had one break while finishing it off on the serving machine and it looked worse than a birdnest on a fishing reel...needless to say it had to be done over. So once the mizzen upper shrouds were made I kept them taught through the bullseyes and lanyards which caused the upper mast to bend backwards with the tension. So before running the ratlines I decided to go ahead and rig the Mizzen Topmast Stay to pull it back forward and straighten it out. This of course required installing the Main Topsail Mast and shrouds which are rigged with deadeyes. Upon doing this I realized that I had forgotten to install the Brittania Main Upper Topsail Parrel Tub and Truss. I thought that worse case I would cut off the truss and attach to a cardstock ring around the mast. To my surprise I could saw the Brittania and carefully pry it open to get it around the mast, and then squeeze it back together with pliers and never know the difference. So this was accomplished and then painted white. So here's a few pictures of the progress.
  2. Thanks for the likes and comments guys. Yes Piet, well worth it, and I like the end results. BW, I'm sure the ratlines are more difficult and everybit the challenge. The boards are much easier to space out. I am glad to be done with this part though. The uppers are ratlines so I'll get to do some of those too. Thanks Tony and Grant glad you guys approve... Hi Patrick, thanks for stopping by the shipyard. The uppers have begun, should have some photos later today.
  3. ok, the lower ratboards are now completed all the way around. Some 400 knots later, I'm ready to move on up I guess. At least some of these will be able to be tied on the bench rather than in the air. I'm really glad the lowers are finished, it was monotonous and slow.
  4. Thanks George, and all who hit the like button. Yeah, it has paid off redoing the Port Mizzen and probably saved the ship from really looking cumbersom. I hate to think after all this work that I could have screwed it up so bad with a stupid mistake. Sometimes things are right under your nose and you can't see them. The Starboard Mizzen Mast Lower Ratboards.
  5. Foremast Lower Ratboards are now completed, which also completes the port side lowers. time to move to starboard. I can't believe I'm only half way done on this. I think I've been tying knots all my life, and now I don't know any better. Definitely monotonous, but not boring.
  6. Thanks for the comments Nenad and George. I'm happy with how they are working out now. They look pretty much scale.
  7. Mainmast Starboard side Ratboards are done. I'm happy with the end results, and glad I started doing this with the least visible side, which for me is the port side Mizzen. It seems to be improving with practice.
  8. Thanks Tony, she's moving along again, and thanks for all your input....good to see you here. How's things across the pond?
  9. Since there has been some discussion of location of the running lights, here is a picture from around 1890 showing the lights on the mizzen. Ben Lankford's plans also show the lights attached to the mizzen.
  10. I am short 1/32"x1/32" strips to complete making the ratboards. So I set up my trusty Proxxon FMZ Vice and then used my Balsa Stripper and cut several 1/32" strips from a 1/32" x 3" sheet and it worked perfectly..handy tools and it saved an order to Model Shipways which would have taken weeks. Several problems with the kit, is that there were not enough 1/32" strips provided to use for the ratboards and not providing a proper sized line to lash the ratboards...sorry, just another agravation. Anyhow, I have enough now to complete this part.
  11. Thanks for stopping by Ed, and Dennis. Yes, the Morgan seems to have a number of unique features and I guess running lights aft is one of them. Most I've seen have been forward...
  12. Thanks Les, I thought I had posted one, but it turned out that I posted it on website, and not on this log. so here it is. These are the lights on the real ship.
  13. While waiting for the order from Syrene Ship Model Co., I had enough .008 line for a few more Ratboards, so I moved to the Mizzen Starboard side, served the bottom iron bar and installed enough ratboards to add the green Starboard Running Light. The order from Syrene should be here tomorrow and the port side main and fore masts will be completed.
  14. Thanks Piet and Lester I think it looks a lot better and yeah, it was worth doing. I'm just lucky it was caught early in the game....I think if it had already been completed it would have gotten a match....lol
  15. I have learned to tie the lashings tighter and closer together to create less of a footprint as well as that the shrouds from the Mizzen tear out seem to cause the lashings to be irregular in how they tie to the ratboards. I do think they are looking better, and that is also why I started on the Port side Mizzen which will be my least noticable area.
  16. OK, here's the redo. I think this is going to have to be it...I'm not sure the shrouds or me could survive another rip out. It is still a little bit large, but I think it might be acceptable. One option could be to paint the bottom rope wraps black so they are not visible against the black shrouds. The bottom iron served Ratboard has the lashes painted black. Open for opinions...
  17. Thank you Nenad, good points and definitely makes this an interesting as well as insane hobby, but we do what we have to do.
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